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Messages - Capixaba

Pages: [1]
29er / Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« on: September 14, 2021, 05:56:28 AM »

New to the forum and just received my frame. M size. Looks good BUT:

Like “riding_truckee”, my seatpost insertion length limited by few imperfections in the downtube (at the connection with horizontal tube). Tried to remove with sandpaper for 2 hours but still a lot to go… This stuff is pretty hard and don’t want to damage the tube by removing too much.

Like “cybrsrce”,  I need to change my bearing eyelet by a standard one on the Super Deluxe I had already purchased before receiving the frame (got the spare already but looking for a tuto).

A new issue (that I have not seen on the forum yet)  is one of the rear triangle thread came damaged .. and has damaged the link bolt.  I will try to repair the triangle insert thread (with a drill tap) but need a new bolt. Contacted winowsport and waiting feedback. Will see.

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