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Messages - strayan_rice_farmer

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Chirping in as someone who's had their ER9 since August.

done 4000+km, mostly dry riding with the occasional wet ride and it's given me no major issues.
I have shrink wrapped the RD plug and left the FD plug as is, regularly hose down the bike during the wash process and stood up to it just fine.

Only complaint so far is not being able to see the shifter battery level in the app.
I've had the right shifter battery go flat on me ~3000km? so had to change the RD shifting to the left shifter through the app, very handy.

Groupset is also fairly light with the Giant TCR in a M/L weighing in at 7.3kg without pedals. I'd say this groupset provides decent value during the aliexpress discount seasons.

This seems a bit concerning. Is anyone else seeing something similar?

I've got about 2000km on my ER9, only some scrapes on the FD guide.
Maybe the limit position is incorrectly set on OP's setup? Or he isn't hitting the trim button every couple of shifts?

Any info on the price?

$600USD on the aliexpress BXT store

The claimed 1050g for a 54cm frame makes me skeptical... the frame looks quite chunky

Unfortunately it seem they are sticking with the triangular downtube on the agile, while doing it better on bike #2

Could you enlighten me on why Triangle downtubes are seen as bad design these days?

Is it related to frame stiffness or how airflow interacts with bidons??

Purpose is to prevent your drivetrain from crosschaining. If you are on the big gear at the front, you won't be able to shift your rear to the last 2 lowest gear. Same if you are on the small ring, you won't be able to shift your rear to the last 2 highest gear

Perfect for people who've accidentally cut their chain one link too short!
Side note, there's a ridiculous sale for the ER9 groupset on AliExpress, 600 AUD!

Component Deals & Selection / Re: Best AliExpress head & tail lights?
« on: October 02, 2023, 07:46:38 PM »
I have a Rockbros RHL1000

excellent battery life, bit on the heavier side but gives as much illumination as you'll ever need.

You will need to buy: 14500 battery capacity: 800mAh, 3.7V, 2.96Wh.

I think eBay has them cheap...but not sure if you can use a flat top with the step.

Flattop does not work

I know because i ordered a flat top set of batteries :)
you'll probably need to drop a fat drop of solder on the top or get 14500 batteries with nipples.

Do you have access to an extended 5mm hex key?

Definitely worth the investment just for doing up shifter bolts.

What was the part?

I had gotten some debris stuck into the left shifter hydraulic system, essentially i accidentally turned the plastic line plug the wrong direction then couldn't get it out without using an extractor screw. Pretty big oopsie for a lapse of concentration  :'(

I paid for the replacement part since it was my bad, so it's nothing special in terms of customer service.

Another masochist eR9 beta tester chiming in:

As with the user above I also had sub-optimal interactions with their customers service, with typically 1 business day gaps in the reply time, so getting a replacement part which I had damaged took a total of 5 days to be dispatched.

Regarding the shifting performance, it's quite good. A few rides so far and no missed shifts or issues with the groupset not waking up.
Shifting under load up to 200w is crisp and the app integration is very good. Being able to adjust each cassette and chainring offset through the app is fantastic for setup, during my first ride I was able to whip the phone out and fine tune the trim whilst riding.
Regarding the trim function, I'm not sure if it is a result of the latest update but you can now trim in both directions (however) the trim direction is not controlled by the user. Essentially whenever you hear front chain rub, pressing shift again will trim the FD if the system determines it needs trimming, and there seems to be several steps. I.e if I shift from the 11th cog to 9th there is a trim step, then 9th to 3rd it will trim again, then the same the other direction.

Install wise it was easy, not having to run gear shift cables saves some grey hairs especially if you're fully integrated. The YouTuber Klein concept has a solid 90min install video which walks through all the steps.

Component Deals & Selection / Re: 3D Printed Saddles
« on: September 08, 2023, 05:46:08 AM »
Just got my RYET "Aircode" (who tf named this thing?) in the mail.

The level of comfort was almost a religious experience.
That being said the only saddle I've ridden on before was a raw carbon non-padded one
Somehow i've managed to complete gran fondos before on it just fine, but never occurred to me that I probably shouldn't have felt every hairline crack on the road through my spine hahaha.
So take my review with a grain of salt  :D

I've ran some 3d printed stem spacers on my bike for ~1000km after I built it up until the white color irked me enough to order some cheap carbon ones.

It was printed out of 100% PLA, didn't have any issues with creep in that time.
Since the load is compressive and fairly low, there will be hardly any creep especially if you print it 100% infill.

That being said, use PETG or something that won't deform in the heat :)

i think i posted on this thread before the weight difference. Marketing materials from L-twoo attached.
Er9 is not locked to 11s.

55g difference between the two... not much in it.
Looks like the exact same components - material change for levers and cage.

I DM'd the Aliexpress store rep and they weighed two sets for me.
1510g for eR9
1500g for eRX

note he has all the packaging and cables on the scale + caveats about scale calibration.

Interestingly this would mean that the price difference between eR9 and eRX is essentially a CarbonFiber tax.

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