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Messages - dren

Pages: [1]
Metal Frames / Re: Bona Ti
« on: August 10, 2024, 07:53:24 PM »
I ordered a frame and had issues with the derailleur and rear thruaxle threads on the frame, I showed the seller and they are sending me a replacement frame very quickly too. If anyone was wondering how their service was.

Metal Frames / Re: Bona Ti
« on: June 12, 2024, 07:09:20 PM »
One legitime question, not trying to criticize. Why did you ask for internal routing frame if you where planning to use a standard /  redshift stem?

I also have an internal routed titanium frame and I actually regret having made it internal, but I am not sure if routing it out at the bearing cups is the way to go, as more crap is likely entering the bearing areas through the cable openings, and you still get the harder maintenance of the bearings because of the cables goung through them

Why do you regret an internal routed frame? Did you go for an internal routing stem/integrated handlebar? I don't have the bearings on hand but if they're sealed bearings I can't see it being too big of a problem, might wear the bearings slightly faster but I can't see it being significant.

Metal Frames / Re: Bona Ti
« on: June 11, 2024, 04:32:09 PM »
Your post convinced me to get one myself! Have you gotten a chance to ride your new build?

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