Happy Holidays!
I'm confused here. Does ltwoo have a hydraulic, non electronic, road, 2x11 or 2x11 groupset, without the campagnolo type thumb shifter? If so, how is it called, how much is it, and where to get it?And is it any good?
I've done a teardown of my broken LTWOO brifter to see what's inside. I have the part-1 video up right now on youtube. Interesting finds include that the hydraulic reservoir is a modular part that pops right out. (What's inside a L-TWOO hydraulic lever? Teardown & anatomy of a failure)
Hello folks,I am a new user from Italy.Recently I bought on Ali-Express an L-Twoo R9 groupset of the 2024 series, thinking new=better. The new version has a different coloring (something like silver with rainbow reflections): https://it.aliexpress.com/item/1005007432346737.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.25.771068cbXCs4Oq&algo_pvid=247663ae-ecd0-4b4d-9c1f-348c3f4f8a82&algo_exp_id=247663ae-ecd0-4b4d-9c1f-348c3f4f8a82-12&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%21123.91%2169.39%21%21%21953.89%21534.18%21%40211b653717264288211467781e537f%2112000040735705120%21sea%21IT%212049104610%21X&curPageLogUid=pJavcjsVlVXW&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3ANow, I am a big Campy fan (but my wallet isn't), in particular for the ergonomics of the egropower shifters (call me fool) and this is the reason why I wanted to give L-twoo a shot. I went for the R9 cause I have the feeling that 12 is better off on electronic shifters, and the new R9 brifters + derailleurs came in at an incredible 98 euros which sounded like an absolute bargain.Sadly, when the package arrived I found out that the levers don't have continuous shifting: the lever can shift max 2 gears at a time and the thumb lever just one. I have the feeling the new RX works in the same way. Has anyone had the same experience? Any reasons for that? I wonder if they finally "found out" they were breaking some Campy patents there and had to change strategy. Also, I see that many of the Ale-Express sellers that still sell the previous version of RX and R9 don't sell to Italy, which is very strange imho, as they sell in all other EU countries... And, coincidence, Campy is Italian....Cheers
I think only the hydro versions have the multi shift ability. It looks like the mechanical shifter is the older shifter style with just new button.
I DNF'd a gravel event a couple weeks ago because my rear ltwoo brake was dragging pretty bad. Not sure how to explain it, but whenever its warm outside the pistons seem to push in on their own. If I give the levers a few good squeezes it goes back to normal for a little while, but slowly starts pushing in again to the point where it barely gets a few rotations when I spin the back wheel.I hadn't noticed because my training rides had all been early morning when its still relatively cool out (south texas). Gravel event started at 8:30 and by 10 it was over 90 degrees fahrenheit. I was puzzled when my watt output didn't seem to match my speed at all. When I stopped I realized how bad it was. Local shop tried a bleed and didn't help. They were wanting to tear it apart to see if something is wrong in the master cylinder, but I told them to not bother as I have some GRX calipers on the way.
I have bought the hydraulic version and unfortunately it really seems that they removed the multi-shift capability on the thumb trigger. The index lever shifts up to 3 at a time, but the thumb lever just one.What calipers do you use? L-twoo or Zrace?
The story is the following: by mistake I bought the mechanicals (as the new one look exactly the same and there was not explicit mention of them being mechanical), I sent them back and bought the hydraulic ones. The only difference in therms of shifting is that on the index lever the mechanical can shift up to two gears whereas the hydraulic can shift three. They both have a single click for the thumb lever. Thus, better to stick with the older version.I bought the shifters standalone, then bought the derailleur in carbon version; I will use some ultegra calipers that I had left from another bike... I don't like the layout of the L-Twoo calipers with those weird supports...