Alright - major update after a long silence. The bike is together, and absolutely rips. I'm really happy with it.
I took my time on assembly, and greased, threadlocked, and torqued things to spec. I had one small creak around the seatpost, but re-torquing the seatpost clamp seems to have solved that issue.
I'm out in Colorado at the moment, and I've so far completed a 12mi ~2000ft elevation ride, and a 10.5mi ~1000 ft ride. Mostly singletrack, loose over hard, 1-2ft drops, some rock surfing, and generally smooth climbs with mild technical sections.
I've also been testing the bike around the property out here, with some dirt jumps we put together (small) to test the flex and dial in the suspension. I'm really quite impressed.
Off to ride some more tomorrow - I'll leave you with a picture of the steed.