Author Topic: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!  (Read 412815 times)


480USD for frame,fork,seatpost
12USD for headset
26USD for F&R axles
5USD per additional mech hanger

Quoted from my email last year. I ended up getting their headset but avoided the axles because I've read bad stuff about them, plus the price is honestly not even interesting.


Hello, has been a while since the last time I've posted here. My build plans have changed quite a bit, ended up getting a second hand bike that I'm now equipping with finest Aliexpress special (and other places) stuff.

I wanted to ask if anyone has experience with these handlebars? € 99,74  40%OFF | RPANTAHI Road Bicycle Handlebars Integrated Carbon with Stem 28.6mm Cycling Bike Broken windmill Handle Bars 380/400/420/440MM

They look quite clean and nice and even the listing itself looks somewhat professional.

Flying Trunk Monkey

Lucky for you I asked an unrelated question that got lost in translation so they sent me the axle dimensions instead... Which I didn't need but I guess it's an up to date spec lol.

I think those are Carbonda's own that they updated because they did not use to specify a torque spec.

If you already have a frame and want a third party here you go:
The sizes are 12*171*m12 and 12*121*m12

I bought another version with handles and it's not worth it to me. I put my axles with handles for sale and will be upgrading to those when they sell.

Thanks for that info. The Ali link didn't work but I found some that matched the specs for about $10 each.

Do you know of any Ali sellers that can supply an extra derailleur hanger for the CFR696 frame?


Hello, has been a while since the last time I've posted here. My build plans have changed quite a bit, ended up getting a second hand bike that I'm now equipping with finest Aliexpress special (and other places) stuff.

I wanted to ask if anyone has experience with these handlebars? € 99,74  40%OFF | RPANTAHI Road Bicycle Handlebars Integrated Carbon with Stem 28.6mm Cycling Bike Broken windmill Handle Bars 380/400/420/440MM

They look quite clean and nice and even the listing itself looks somewhat professional.

No idea about the handlebar, but that seller has some pretty terrible reviews. Buy at your own risk.


...Do you know of any Ali sellers that can supply an extra derailleur hanger for the CFR696 frame?
Why not ask directly to the builder?
They can ship you parts too. By post it's usually cheap.


So my bad luck with my latest purchases during the sales a few weeks ago keeps going...
I ordered a set of Novatec D411/412 hubs from this store:
They sent me the cheap 791/792 hubs instead. I opened a dispute to get my money back, but they want me to sent the hubs back to china which probably will almost cost as much as the hubs...
Since the sales are over it will probably cost me about 25€ more to get the right hubs this time.

I am really disappointed about my experiences with aliexpress these last few weeks... A lot of sellers don't have the stuff they list in stock and one wanted more money after the sale. You get your money back after a while, but you lose money since you have to buy again at a higher price after the sales and you have to pay the credit card fees twice when you get money back...


Do you know of any Ali sellers that can supply an extra derailleur hanger for the CFR696 frame?

I'm looking for one too but didn't have luck on Aliexpress. This hanger however should work for 696, albeit expensive -

I'll try to do some visual search on Aliexpress matching with pictures from above link.

Edit, I have a feeling this should fit 696 -
« Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 01:21:03 AM by coffeebreak »

Flying Trunk Monkey

Cool, keep me posted. It might be worth contacting Carbonda, I just wanted an AliX option for the sake of convenience.


Okay the Aliexpress link says it fits ICAN Xgravel which is same as cfr696 so that hanger will fit 696.


No idea about the handlebar, but that seller has some pretty terrible reviews. Buy at your own risk.

Yeah, I did check the reviews of seller. Rhese bars are available from other stores as well, so at least there are options to choose from.

I am not a fan lf how Tosseek integrated bars look like, SPCycle does not have the right size in stock (thinking about picking up 380/120 bar, currently using 420mm bar with 100mm stem)


This is a really cool find...  Has anyone tried these before?
They look great!! Maybe the spring seems a bit weak.


They look great!! Maybe the spring seems a bit weak.
I have a comparable set on my Brompton and the spring is indeed not strong enough to make the lever return completely for the rear brake


I am wondering how they might work on my Gravel bike that presently has flared gravel bars and regular road cable brake levers combined with Juin Tech GP4 cable/hydraulic brakes.   My most recent build is using the new hybrid 22.2 based handle bars with full mtb. hydraulic brakes.  I wonder if these levers would work for the Juin Tech hydraulic/cable brakes.  (They don't have much return force on the cable being hydraulic.)  I am thinking of swapping to a pair of the ZNIINO Carbon Gravel H handlebar


I've recently ordered a few more RideNow TPU tubes from this seller and I feel like they've finally have matured the manufacturing process. They look and function much better than the first generation batches that came out. At this point, I can recommend these as the go-to budget TPU tubes if you're not in the mood to go tubeless on your road bike. Though I'm 100% pro tubeless for gravel tires!  ;D

Also a few tips I've developed while using these: I tend to lower my PSI than I would with latex and butyl. I ride them 5 to 10 PSI lower than my recommended weight for a more supple ride (they tend to ride harsh depending on tire) and I feel it helps minimize potential flats. I use a schrader valve adapter when airing theses tubes so the presta valve cores don't get damaged. Especially if you need to change a flat out in the field this will minimize any problems. Lastly I find glueless patches work best with TPU tubes. In fact if properly applied, you can use continue to use the patched tubes as normal (as long as they are single hole punctures and not snakebite double hole punctures).