Author Topic: Interesting Aliexpress finds! - good deals, interesting stuff, new products etc!  (Read 412795 times)


Does anyone have experience with these Good Year Eagle F1 road slicks? Possible cheaper alternative to GP 5000 tires?

Wet Noodle

I'd highly recommend checking out the Pick 3 & Save deals on AliEx. They don't have any major items, but it's perfect for small accessories you wouldn't want to pay full price on. Items I've purchased have included cycling gloves, bike lights, compression sleeves, computer mounts, headset caps, shoe cleats, etc. Also shipping has been incredibly fast. The average delivery time to the US west coast has been less than a week and as fast as 4 days. Only downside is that there's no way to search for an item you want. It's based on your search algorithms and loosely categorized.

Yep, it's good advice for small stuff you want (or even just to try out). Additionally with slightly pricier stuff:
  • Always have your search history stuffed with what you're interested in; it also doesn't hurt to keep some of that stuff in your cart. Ali's search is usually absolute crap, but Ali will kind of remember what you clicked ...
  • I get the feeling there is a 3-USD-each-X thing each beginning of the month (first 3 or 4 days) - not sure if it's all year round, but wouldn't hurt to check.
  • Visit the coins page via phone browser (or, possibly, app) and check coins-discount finder there - regular prices, but usually way higher coin discounts. Sadly, no search function either, just scrolling and hoping for the best (as in: priming via step (1)). Discounts given there only apply to "buy now", not to buying via cart - you can't combine products (say to get the price up for a price-dependent coupon code or something). Keep that in mind; in case of bigger sales events, special sales coupons might work out better. Also, sometimes the coins page is glitchy and will show different discounts than the actual product page (or they use weird math to deduct the discount (might by an EU sales tax thing)). Buying multiple items of the same thing is generally possible there, but the discount percentage may get lower with each item added (again, not the same for all products and weird Chinese maths).
When there is (2), go (3) and check specifically for offers that also allow for (2). It's not uncommon to find products where both discounts can be combined.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2024, 01:18:36 PM by Wet Noodle »


I have purchased more than 100 $1.79 to $1.99 small items, where you pick 3 and get free shipping.  Every time I end up purchasing 9 or 10 items in the order. (10 items max per order) Total was always less than $20.00.    Probably around 70 are bike parts or bike tools.   Most of the other items are general tools, hydration pouches, lights,  drysacks,  gloves, arm warmers, padded bicycle undershorts.   A few cost up to $4.99, but most cost me $1.79.   I can state that perhaps 5 are poor quality garbage items, but overall I have been very impressed with the quality and functionality of these inexpensive items.

I've played out and purchased about every item that I have interest in.  I keep looking for that next item I can't live without.

I live in Montana, and shipping to me takes 14 to 22 days.  (Most of the time, orders take 7 to 16 days to get to me once the order is through customs -  Most of the time it takes 4-5 days from China to US Customs.  (USPS is slow and sucks!)


I have purchased more than 100 $1.79 to $1.99 small items, where you pick 3 and get free shipping.  Every time I end up purchasing 9 or 10 items in the order. (10 items max per order) Total was always less than $20.00.    Probably around 70 are bike parts or bike tools.   Most of the other items are general tools, hydration pouches, lights,  drysacks,  gloves, arm warmers, padded bicycle undershorts.   A few cost up to $4.99, but most cost me $1.79.   I can state that perhaps 5 are poor quality garbage items, but overall I have been very impressed with the quality and functionality of these inexpensive items.

I've played out and purchased about every item that I have interest in.  I keep looking for that next item I can't live without.

I live in Montana, and shipping to me takes 14 to 22 days.  (Most of the time, orders take 7 to 16 days to get to me once the order is through customs -  Most of the time it takes 4-5 days from China to US Customs.  (USPS is slow and sucks!)

The one perk I'm noticing being in California is that most my AliEx packages are being delivered via private courier now. Very few packages are now being delivered through USPS.

BTW - I don't know how I've been mounting my tires without this, but I did pick up a tire lever tool for $1.99 and holy s**t, I can easily mount any and all tires without much effort! Probably the best $1.99 I've spent! Lol


The one perk I'm noticing being in California is that most my AliEx packages are being delivered via private courier now. Very few packages are now being delivered through USPS.

BTW - I don't know how I've been mounting my tires without this, but I did pick up a tire lever tool for $1.99 and holy s**t, I can easily mount any and all tires without much effort! Probably the best $1.99 I've spent! Lol
Link?  :)


Link?  :)

This is the link to the item, but you'll have to find it in the Pick 3 & Save section to get it at discount:

I'm partial to 25c tires and these usually take more effort than wider tires, but with this lever tool I barely had to strain. You just need to firmly hold one side and work your way from the other side towards the center of the unhooked section. Seriously no more sore fingers!

They should make a miniature version that will fit in a saddle bag. It's a little too big to bring on rides.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2024, 12:20:01 PM by jonathanf2 »


This is the link to the item, but you'll have to find it in the Pick 3 & Save section to get it at discount:

I'm partial to 25c tires and these usually take more effort than wider tires, but with this lever tool I barely had to strain. You just need to firmly hold one side and work your way from the other side towards the center of the unhooked section. Seriously no more sore fingers!

They should make a miniature version that will fit in a saddle bag. It's a little too big to bring on rides.

Got one of these on amazon a few years ago. Changed my life!


Does anyone have experience with these Good Year Eagle F1 road slicks? Possible cheaper alternative to GP 5000 tires?

I haven't tried them personally but accoring to BRR theyre heavier and higher rolling resistance than GP5000.

I just received a set of Michelin Power Cups but yet to test them. Theyre very slightly slower than GP5000 and similar puncture resistance but significantly cheaper for me. but some people have reported some complaints about thread width

theres a discussion about them on WW here:


Ordered some of these photochromic cycling glasses that are meant to go over your regular glasses. They seem well made and mostly work as intended. It feels cumbersome on the face to have two pair of glasses on. Maybe I’ll forget about it when riding.
They don’t seem to fit as well with narrow lense glasses and sit on an odd spot on my nose. I’ll give them a try on the trails in a few days.

WEST BIKING Myopic Polarized Square Sunglasses Men Photochromic Cycling Fit Over Glasses Driving Fishing UV400 Bicycle Goggles


Sensah Team Pro 12 speed carbon HRD shifters are now out:


Sensah Team Pro 12 speed carbon HRD shifters are now out:

They claim they are compatible with R7000 and R8000. Those are 11 speed... Would this mean the 11-speed derailleurs become 12 speed with these shifters?


They claim they are compatible with R7000 and R8000. Those are 11 speed... Would this mean the 11-speed derailleurs become 12 speed with these shifters?

Yes - one of their reps mentioned this on Twitter.


They claim they are compatible with R7000 and R8000. Those are 11 speed... Would this mean the 11-speed derailleurs become 12 speed with these shifters?

People are already having success using the new 1x12 GRX820 RD on 11 speed GRX shifters. So I presume the reverse is true with the Shimano 12 speed shifters working with 11 speed derailleurs.


People are already having success using the new 1x12 GRX820 RD on 11 speed GRX shifters. So I presume the reverse is true with the Shimano 12 speed shifters working with 11 speed derailleurs.

Oh, did not know that. So you could just get a couple of new GRX shifters and a 12 speed cassette and you've upgraded to 12 speed? You wouldn't even need to replace the brake cables if you have a few cm's extra in the frame  :)


I paired 10s GRX 400 RD with 11s Ultegra R8000 series shifters for some time until I found long cage 11s Ultegra RD. It works fine. I'm guessing that is the case here too. Is there a cable brake version too or only hydraulic for now?