Happy Holidays!
It’s so clearly a LARP of an aero bike.
No real point in aliex cranks when shimano 105 is so cheap
Riro and Lexon have updated carbon cranks that look nice. Though that personal preference. The older Riro carbon crank is a bit cheaper if you’re on a tight budget. If you want cheap and functional, Senicx.
is this the newer riro model? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007736867300.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.7ef37f44Sz8tYI&algo_pvid=5e9173ca-6851-4245-9866-6d8d6490bdba&algo_exp_id=5e9173ca-6851-4245-9866-6d8d6490bdba-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%21403.53%21199.04%21%21%213047.80%211503.29%21%402103917f17303781463208661ee294%2112000042036375891%21sea%21IE%211685174223%21X&curPageLogUid=DW6N7gd5kpF4&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A
id imagine 105 is quite heavy no? as in 300ish grams heavier than what can be got, or it used to be when i last built a roadbike in 2019
these look real heavy - 400g CF arms+100g al7075 spindle+50g spider. senicx pr2 cranks weigh about the same
I hope so, but why would they list it separately under weight ("central axis 95g")?
Ediy: they mean the BB is 95gr