Here's a couple more paint jobs I've done!
First one is not a road bike, but still a custom paint job.
I painted this helmet for my girlfriend. Painted with alcohol inks on a white base. Finished with regular 1k clear and wet sanded and buffed.
The bike is my old Velobuild 177. I can't quite remember, but I don't think I used any primer on this one...just scuffed up the original finish (probably 600 grit) and went to town on it.
The frame is painted with Spray.Bike Frame Builder's Copper. For the matte finish I applied a couple thin coats of matte 2k clear coat, lightly sanded to smooth everything out, then applied a final thin matte 2k coat.
The fork is painted with Montana Anthracite, finished with 2k clear and wet sanded/buffed.
The bars are The One Pro, repainted in black, finished with 2k clear and wet sanded/buffed.
My cousin now rides this bike built up with Rival XPLR. We're currently working on repainting it, updates coming soon.