would you mind sharing links for the alix stem, i cant find it (i did see something similar:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007557399904.html, but not yours)?
For the falcon thing, how did / do you know it's compatible with a non controltech falcon stem? you just winged it?
do you have photos of the jagwire cabble connectors? The biggest problems w cable integration are travel and maintenance/ease of use, so i'm very curious about such little things that can prevent headaches down the road.
I have the same brakes on my gravel bike. i swapped the pads to something else, some OEM stuff from a european website, i dont remember what. point being, the braking was transformed. given how cheap pads are, you may want to experiment with different pads. i suspect these brakes ship(ped) with the cheapest pads imaginable.
Also, depending on your use case, you might get away with full resin pads, for eg, if you'll never do long ass descents, as they will bite better. the ceramic ones i tried on my road bike for example, do need to heat up, noticeably, before they really work. it's a bit sketchy in the first turn, then it works very well, and lasts. if it were resin the pads would probably go home after 3 turns and pads that stop biting are terrifying. i havent tried metallic, but it should be worse than ceramic in terms of needing heating up. Hybrids are standard, and i think there's variation between brands and models, because hybrid can mean anything.