interesting. They’re offering this for about 30% off Carbonda’s price when you factor in shipping and fees.
As I posted in another thread, Carbonda only has the 1286 in Medium right now.
I’ve read that DIY is just a reseller for various Ali vendors which is a bit confusing unless these frames are being produced somewhere other than Flybike. I’ve never seen the 1286 on Ali but it could be under any number of names.
Also interesting that they compare it to the Nukeproof Dissent which is being offered by Carbonda as an alternative to the 1286 (Flybike was NP’s Carbon factory and has stock left from when NP’s parent company suddenly closed).
I’m happy with my choice to get a Dissent but it was certainly a much more expensive choice than this…*if* DIY really has all sizes or even just Large available. I wish I’d known this was an option.
If anyone orders this from DIY, I’d be very curious to hear how it goes.