Author Topic: Communication Issues with Bert from XMIplay  (Read 3695 times)


Communication Issues with Bert from XMIplay
« on: November 29, 2016, 07:41:39 AM »
Sorry in advance if this is the wrong place to put this. 

I'm not posting this to talk poorly of Bert, or XMI.  He has been extremely helpful, until now at least.  Long story short, after several back and forth emails with Bert, I agreed to put $100 down to reserve a frame.  I explained that I would be sending the remainder within a week or so.  Bert's communication was stellar up until then.  Once I sent the deposit via PayPal, all communication has stopped.  I can't even get an email back to confirm he got the deposit.  I sent an email this morning, expressing my concerns.  I'm a very patient guy, and I understand that he is probably a busy man.  It has been almost a week at this point with no communication after my deposit was sent.

Now, I don't know if they celebrate thanksgiving in China.  If so, I understand that he has probably been off work since Last Thursday, and will get back to me soon.  I'm hoping that this is the case.  Has anyone else experienced communication issues with XMI? I chose them because of the good reviews I had read about Paul and Bert.  Thanks guys!

edit:// I'm also now wondering if I have been dealing with the "real" XMI.  I see a XMI carbon speed, whereas I have been dealing with xmi Iplay.  I hope I didn't just get taken for a ride.  (no pun intended)
« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 07:52:06 AM by Mickw »


Re: Communication Issues with Bert from XMI
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2016, 07:56:45 AM »
No I don't think you've been taken for a ride but you mixed a couple of vendors up.. xmcarbon speed is Peter and xmiplay is bert... xmcarbon speed and Peter is who most around here suggest people to use. It's understandable that you would be confused if read some old posts because both Peter and Bert were originally with xmiplay then Peter branched off and started xmcarbon speed on his own.

How did you pay? You could always dispute the charge, get a charge back then order from Peter at xmcarbon speed.. in the end, I think you will get your frame but it sounds like Bert is giving you pretty poor communication and service, and maybe Peter would provide better.

Let's see if either of them or someone else on the board chimes in with more info.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 07:58:53 AM by JohnSpeed »


Re: Communication Issues with Bert from XMIplay
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2016, 08:01:32 AM »
Yeah, after spending a bit of time this morning, I realized I had mixed up suppliers.  I'm hoping Bert will come through, as it seems people have been happy with their iplay frames.   I'll give him a few more days.  I paid via PayPal, so I'm OK knowing that I have some recourse should things go south.  Thanks for the reply.


Re: Communication Issues with Bert from XMIplay
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2016, 03:25:33 PM »
You need to learn to wait when dealing direct with China. So breathe, and keep calm :)
Sometimes it is very fast. And sometimes it is silence for days.
But I don't remember of any unhappy end.


Re: Communication Issues with Bert from XMIplay
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2016, 07:33:14 AM »
It's not a patience issue.  I've dealt with car builds where parts have taken 6+ months to be made.  The time is not my issue, the communication is.   Like I said, I'm not here to trash anyone, or any company.  Bert was super helpful, right up until he got my money.  I'm supposed to send the remainder of the money for the frame on Friday.  Radio silence for a week after receiving $100 from me, makes me very wary about sending him another $600.  I'll give him one more week to respond.


Re: Communication Issues with Bert from XMIplay
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2016, 05:39:12 PM »
yeah I don't think you're being impatient at all.. Bert has been around the forum for years now and what I know of him is all good but it's your money, and great communication right up until you send your $100 and then all of a sudden radio silence? I don't blame you at all for being skeptical. Seems entirely reasonable. One week seems fair, then take JohnSpeeds suggestion at that point.