RoutingHi Guys! Wanna run an idea by you, before doing smthn stupid.
Yesterday, I played , I swear, for at least half an hour, that monkey in a lab, that have to get a treat out of the box with a twig. My brakes arrived, so naturally I drained them like 10 minutes after and went out happily to pull a line through the frame. I got myself a standard kit, without giving it a second thought - means Rear Brake on the right, Front on the left. So, I wanted to use left opening for the top entrance (which was a wrong idea anyway, but doesn't matter). Only after many failed attempts to pull the guide through the openings I wanted, have I realized that the ports are connected with each other. No one mentions that routes are fixed with internal tubing between the fittings. Actually the guides are totally obsolete because of this. You can just pull them out. The routing scheme is fixed and fixed specifically for 2x drivetraines, with shifting going internally and rear brake line going externally along the bottom of the down tube.
That doesn't suite me. I used the front derailleur route for the rear brake line. On the top this one comes out on the right. I now looked closely on people's pics with 1x builds. Lot of guys leave it on the right and just connect it to the lever. I don't like this idea. It delivers relatively sharp angle at the lever, unnatural flex and a nasty rub on the frame.
I see 2 potential solutions and wanted to do a sanity check with you.
1) Bend the hose between top and down tubes to the left. Like this:

Ok, the bend is relatively sharp, but other than that it is ok for the rest - nice flex, entrance to the lever not under load.
2) Second idea is more radical. It is to switch the sides - connect rear caliper with left lever and front one with right lever. This would mean not only to drain the front brake, but shortening the line as well. So it's irreversible decision. But it will give an ideal connection for both brake lines.
Which way would you guys go?
In addition - I cannot find how people guide the rear brake line around bottom bracket area. I decided to do it like this:

The bend is relatively sharp, but I checked - the flex is surprisingly natural and ok.