Author Topic: Help me choose my XC FS build!  (Read 2170 times)


Help me choose my XC FS build!
« on: May 30, 2017, 05:07:20 AM »
About ready to push the button, but I can't really decide between the Dengfu M06 or the WCB-M-108 / LCFS902 / CS-821.

So i really need your help and advice :)

My goal is to build a fully capable XC racer as aggressive and light as possible. I'll be mounting it with my Rockshow SID XX 100mm from my old hardtail and I'm planning on getting the Monarch XX rear damper to go with it in the back.

What should I go fore? What are the pros and cons to take into consideration when choosing between the two models?

Racing XC in Denmark doesn't require 120mm of travel, so nothing to gnarly

I'm coming from a Workswell 062 hardtail in medium (17,5") with a LOT of flex in the rear - too much for my taste when really pushing it in corners etc., so would really perfer a firmer ride.

 I'm 5ft 9in (176cm) and weigh 160 punds (73 kg)


Re: Help me choose my XC FS build!
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2017, 07:44:36 AM »
its basically Scott Spark vs Specialized.

I am leaning with the CS-821 build as its the choice of more riders in all the big multi day races, both are really good designs, but the best way to check is to go feel out the frames at a shop.


Re: Help me choose my XC FS build!
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2017, 08:13:17 AM »
About ready to push the button, but I can't really decide between the Dengfu M06 or the WCB-M-108 / LCFS902 / CS-821.

All are pretty good frame designs however none of them are really XC racing frames. The notable ones you mentioned, the M06, the 902 and the 821, are really trail bikes. They all have 120mm travel up front with 110 in the rear. Also fairly long chainstays so i'm not sure how quick they will be on the race course. Not to mention slacker head tube angles. I don't know the courses or exactly the type of racing you're into but these are all things to look at when choosing the best frame to put you on the podium!!! ;D


Re: Help me choose my XC FS build!
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2017, 08:27:15 AM »
821 with 100mm front shock, you will not be disappointed ;)