Author Topic: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build  (Read 16836 times)


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2018, 02:16:50 PM »
Very nicely written, bike looks amazing, and thank you for your impressions on a hot frame right now. This is what interests me more:

A friend of mine also bought a Spark RC Pro bike, and I’ve got to say the bikes would feel identical except that my bike is 3 pounds lighter.

Would you be able to do a more scientific comparison? Like a camera fixed on both bikes recording how each frame flexes under breaking and under power? That would be totally bonkers, as there are not many people with both frames at hand. The break mount placement differs and stiffness might too. There are videos of such comparisons like this one:

The power delivery was not effected, but one frame did wobble more under full power, which effected feel. The T800/T1000 should be very stiff, so it would be very interesting how both frames compare.

I don't have the resources for doing something like this.  You're definitely digging the details at this point.  All I can say is that ride quality is at least the same, and components are going to make more difference than the frame just based on total weight and tire selection.  My friend is happy to ride with me, but isn't likely to sit down in studio for a frame stiffness comparison... :)

I agree, going to this level of detail will require much more in depth research. Not only bb movement but chainstay, seatstay, handlebar. And that will also need to be tested in a machine not with a dude pedaling. I want to see the force being applied and the difference. The dude might just be pedaling different on the other frame. Pedals, crank length all that interfere.  I don't think that's a rabbit hole that I want to go to as it will not come up with anything useful.


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2018, 04:30:12 PM »
Nice build. I think this is the frame (or a version of it) I'm going to build next...but the 142 version.

Guys on MTBR be hatin...but trying to not to look like they be hatin. ;D


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2018, 08:45:57 PM »

The cockpit is the popular padded carbon saddle from Aliexpress (absolutely recommend), a Chiner 720mm flat carbon handlebar (tried 7 models, this is the only one stiff enough for me), Kalloy Uno 60mm -7o stem, silicone grips (orange are on the way), and a Chiner carbon seatpost.

Hey mate, would you be able to provide a link to your handlebar, looks pretty decent. Love your build  - looks awesome!



Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2018, 08:50:56 PM »
Hey mate, would you be able to provide a link to your handlebar, looks pretty decent. Love your build  - looks awesome!

It's this $15 720mm flat handlebar from Aliexpress:

I've been through 7 different models now and this one is by far the stiffest--and coincidentally cheapest.  Some of those bars feel like they'd crack on impact.  Tideace, Rxl, Rxl SL, Ulicyc, BikeIn, I've tried them all.


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #19 on: May 02, 2018, 10:09:10 PM »
Hey mate, would you be able to provide a link to your handlebar, looks pretty decent. Love your build  - looks awesome!

It's this $15 720mm flat handlebar from Aliexpress:

I've been through 7 different models now and this one is by far the stiffest--and coincidentally cheapest.  Some of those bars feel like they'd crack on impact.  Tideace, Rxl, Rxl SL, Ulicyc, BikeIn, I've tried them all.

You are a champion, thank you!


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2018, 06:18:14 AM »
awesome build and great info.

out of interest, any reason you went with the M9007 vs the M7007, looks like the brake mounting is the only difference on these bikes.... or am I missing something?


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2018, 07:47:57 AM »
Thank you for the great build report, and other informations( I've just ordered a bar  :) ).
Most of my hardtail friends are moving out, maybe it's time for a shift for me too.

I'm just intrigued by your comment about Workswell:

...That is, until the new Workswell frame hits the market later this summer...
Is it that revolutionary ?


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2018, 07:56:52 AM »
Thank you for the great build report, and other informations( I've just ordered a bar  :) ).
Most of my hardtail friends are moving out, maybe it's time for a shift for me too.

I'm just intrigued by your comment about Workswell:

...That is, until the new Workswell frame hits the market later this summer...
Is it that revolutionary ?

Revolutionary?  No.  But it sure looks trick!


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2018, 08:27:22 AM »
Pro Mance told me today it's a 40 day wait, minimum, for a 19" black matte M9007. Price was great, but I cannot wait that long. Oh well, worth asking.


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2018, 08:28:22 AM »
Pro Mance told me today it's a 40 day wait, minimum, for a 19" black matte M9007. Price was great, but I cannot wait that long. Oh well, worth asking.

Hm, they must have sold out.  They had a few in stock just a few days back.


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2018, 02:06:33 PM »
What is Promance charging for these frames?


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2018, 07:24:29 PM »
LaneDetroitCity on the MTBR thread says:  "I emailed the company. $658 for the light version, $595 for normal. 1785g ,1860g thats 17.5" frames."

I'll add that it's about $80 for shipping and $80 for painting for the first color.

And remember, everything is subject to negotiation--especially if it ain't in stock.


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2018, 02:54:51 AM »
And remember, everything is subject to negotiation--especially if it ain't in stock.

It never occurred to me to negotiate prices  ::) ...
Is everyone doing it ? And how much can you get ?


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #28 on: May 08, 2018, 08:35:25 PM »
And remember, everything is subject to negotiation--especially if it ain't in stock.

It never occurred to me to negotiate prices  ::) ...
Is everyone doing it ? And how much can you get ?

I usually get between $50 and $100 off.  But I'd say that's way above average.  Practice makes perfect, find ways you can make the agent excited about serving you as a customer, while realizing they need to make a profit too and their margins are sometimes smaller than you think.


Re: Pro-Mance M9007 FS 29er 21lb build
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2018, 08:21:04 PM »
Thank you for sharing all the info, I've ordered exactly the same saddle you recommended. Only wondering if you have an special seatpost as the saddle rails seems non rounded.