Author Topic: Trifox bikes on aliexpress  (Read 6454 times)


Trifox bikes on aliexpress
« on: December 06, 2018, 09:43:41 PM »
UPDATE:looks like its back for sale. i reached out to the vendor but never heard back. still interested in the frame but will wait a while before purchasing one. Going to let them get some reviews in. honestly, i wish i could just purchase one and see for myself but their frames are some of the more expensive ones I've seen.

UPDATE: Looks like they took down the frames. I reached out to the seller and waiting to hear back.

Hello everyone. I’m new to this forum and to the whole Chinese frame thing, yet I’m looking to purchase a Chinese road frame in the near future. I was all most convince in going with a velobuild vb-r-066 frame but while browsing aliexpress, I stumbled on this road frame by a company called trifox. They are relatively new as far as July of 2018. I love their x12-1 frame. It resembles the look 795 frame. I like the frame  lot  want to get it but am somewhat skeptical of the quality. I have been in contact with them and they have been responsive to my inquiries. They say they do thorough stress testing on their frames and have a 5 year warranty. The lack of reviews doesn't help either specially on their frames. They also make mtb frames. The stats show several frames sold but have not given feedback yet. If anyone could give me some advice or feedback, that would be appreciated. If you have any knowledge of this company please let me know what you think.

Here’s a link to the frame. Thank you for your input.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 06:06:19 PM by Janyo »