Author Topic: BXT MTB-036  (Read 14751 times)



Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2019, 01:10:39 AM »
Frame arrived yesterday, not bad considering it was ordered on Sunday 27th Jan and arrived on 4th of Feb. Pretty good considering this is Chinese New Year week.

The good
- general finish is fantastic, not a blemish with the exception of the BB hatch, see below.
- the BB that came "free" with the frame feels really nice, very smooth, looks like it is sealed well, it's 24 / 24 internal ID but comes with both spacers and also a 1mm collar to reduce non-drive side to SRAM GXP compatible. Finish is plain but very good. Those cranks have now been ordered.
- bb shell and headset race all look smooth

Needs work
- Nothing major but they have crossed internal cable guides so I'll have to play around with this a little bit to get it back to the way I like to set them up.
- The thru axle that came with the frame is not quick release. Not a huge issue, it is the same as one of the axles pictured on the add but the add also says QR and does have a second pic that shows a QR axle. I will contact them and see what they say.

The bad
- The finish on the removable hatch at the bb that allows access to the internal cable guides isn't "perfect". Certainly not enough to worry about but given how good the rest of the frame looks it's a shame it's not better.
- The weight. Not a huge deal here, this is a budget build so whilst I want to keep weight down as much as possible for the boy it was never going to be a "race light" bike. This may be an issue for others though. Claimed weight 1100 +- 50gm for 18", this 15.5" weighs 1274gm with drop out, thru axle and spacer. I'll check the weight of those items before I build.

So far, on initial quick look, very happy with a frame that only cost $320A ($230US) delivered.



Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2019, 12:10:27 PM »
That is a great price for the frame but shame about the misleading advertising on the weight.

Please post pics when you are done with the build. 

I have a couple of questions:
1)Is the seat tube internal diameter as advertised?
2) Does a correctly sized seat post fit smoothly into the frame or is it loose or the opposite - too tight?

Thanks much,  Lloyd


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2019, 12:02:49 AM »
Hi mate, sorry for the slow response. Yes I got this frame. Overall pretty happy with it. Only 2 things from a quality point of view, I can't get the supplied headset to seat so that the cover disk sits all the way down to the frame. There is a very small gap, less than 1mm so I'll need to keep a close eye on the bearings to make sure they stay well lubed. The little removable cover plate under the bottom bracket has a circular recess in it so the retaining bolt sits down, not proud of the frame where it might get hit. It then has a small flange in the cf that the bolt sits against, when they have drilled out the hole for the bolt to go through some of this flange has been removed as well. I contacted them about it and they got straight back to me asking for photos. I don't think they understood what I was talking about. I haven't done anything further with it yet as it seems to be holding well.

As for seat posts I got this one  It was a firm fit in the seat tube and went most of the way down to the bottom bracket. I ended up cutting some off the end of the post to get the correct saddle height and installed it with some carbon paste which made it a firm fit.  He's had a couple of rides on it so far without issue.  Note the size of the seat collar though, I couldn't find one to suit so ended up using the one that came with the frame.

Build itself was incredibly frustrating but that was because I was on a budget and was in the hands of fleabay and Aliexpress sellers.  Build itself once I had the parts was fine, no major issues.  Bike could easily be built up sub 10kg on a budget, this will be there when I go tubeless. Coming from a 14.5 kg Giant he is absolutely stoked with it, and that is the most important thing.  It has been raining here pretty much since the day I finished the build so we haven't been on any great off road rides yet but so far so good.


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2019, 10:11:08 PM »
Oops, just saw my earlier reply, forgot I had posted that so doubled up a bit with that last post.

One thing to clarify, I initially said the rear axle wasn't quick release, I now know how to use it and it is tool free quick release. The retaining washer / nut on the drive side just sits in a recess in the dropout so when you remove the axle this nut will also just fall out. Have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get lost doing trail side repairs.


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2019, 03:33:46 AM »
Better pic, re-sized


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2019, 04:22:39 AM »
He must be happy !  :)
Did you buy the crankset, seatpost and stem in a kit ?


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2019, 06:29:44 AM »
No mate, 3 separate places, all slightly different tones of red but it's not very noticeable unless you go looking for it.  The crankset was a real PITA. The first one was ordered from ebay locally, it was "sent" but the tracking never activated. 3 weeks of arguing back and forwards and ebay finally refunded my money. Found it again on ebay us from a US seller. Turns out he was the same seller as the Aussie guy just using different "seller" details. Then tracked it down again but this time on Aliexpress. Yes we have it in stock, until they have your money then its sorry have to wait a week but we will ship red crank and red chain ring which is what I wanted. Chase them up in a week to make sure it was in and the right colour, yes and yes. Shipped, then the long wait from China with tracking doing nothing for a week, then a move then nothing for a week etc.  Ended up showing up weeks after his birthday. Shows up and it's red with black chain ring.  Luckily the boy really liked the way it looked so it stayed.


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2019, 04:30:00 AM »
I though they were the same red per the picture  ;)
Too bad it was such a pain to get them.
Aliexpress sellers with good reviews tend to be good for real, but it takes time to find them.


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2019, 11:20:50 AM »
No mate, 3 separate places, all slightly different tones of red but it's not very noticeable unless you go looking for it.  The crankset was a real PITA. The first one was ordered from ebay locally, it was "sent" but the tracking never activated. 3 weeks of arguing back and forwards and ebay finally refunded my money. Found it again on ebay us from a US seller. Turns out he was the same seller as the Aussie guy just using different "seller" details. Then tracked it down again but this time on Aliexpress. Yes we have it in stock, until they have your money then its sorry have to wait a week but we will ship red crank and red chain ring which is what I wanted. Chase them up in a week to make sure it was in and the right colour, yes and yes. Shipped, then the long wait from China with tracking doing nothing for a week, then a move then nothing for a week etc.  Ended up showing up weeks after his birthday. Shows up and it's red with black chain ring.  Luckily the boy really liked the way it looked so it stayed.

What was the "make" of that crankset?  Can you provide a link to where you got it on Aliexpress?

Thx,  Lloyd


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2019, 04:13:37 PM »
I believe the brand is BDSnail, that's part of the graphics. I got it from Hatoo Cycling Store on Aliexpress.  Take note that I had to wait before it was shipped because they didn't have the chain ring in the colour I wanted and then when I followed it up on the day I was told it would be available I was told it was but they shipped the wrong colour anyway.  They did offer a "discount" on my next purchase but the boy was happy with the colour combo he got so I let it go.


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2020, 08:23:04 AM »
Hello here,

Before starting a new topic, I'll try with this post.

I am interested ina BXT 036 frame for my son. He's 13, he's going toward 165 cm in a few months so it is time to order some frame to be able to swap all components from is current cube Analog frame.

My worries are :
- Size : BXT send me to the 17,5" frame. Can anyone confirm ?
- Transmission : he is using 2x10. The frame details say compatible with a front derailleur 34,9mm clamp. Ii this OK to clamp a derailleur on a carbon tube ?
- Rear dropouts : I am a bit afraid of the technical choice here. It seems the dropouts only rely on those 2 small screws... No surface to ensure strength and efforts coming from the rear wheel. Is someone able to tell me it is reliable or has pictures showing this is different from wht I think ?

I will start with this, but all feedback I can get will really be appreciated. Even if you advice to go for another frame...



Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2020, 08:53:04 PM »
I would go with their recommended size unless you expect to keep this frame for the next several years. He is at the very bottom of the 17" size range so I think you should be good for at least 1 or maybe 2 growth spurts.

If they say it is ok for a clamp mount derailleur then I would say it is fine to clamp to the tube, just don't over tighten the clamp. Check with BXT what their recommended max torq is for the front derailleur clamp.

Rear dropouts are fine, remember the axle pulls everything together against the hub.

For the record, I am happy with the frame and would buy again but others have complained about BXT customer service. I am unsure of which frame they are talking or what the issue was.

Hope that helps


Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2020, 08:48:28 AM »
Thank you Emu26.

It helps much to have other advice than those coming from BXT. "Be confident, we have our own factory, everything is ok". But no real technical answers.

Two last (I hope...) things if someone can :

 what is the standard for rear brake : 160 PM ?
 on Ali... they are selling the frame with some little stuff including a headset with a piece "adapter". Is this for adapting a straight 1,1/8" fork steerer in the tapered tube ?



Re: BXT MTB-036
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2020, 01:50:27 AM »
Rear is 160mm

I don't think mine came with that adapter, pretty sure mine came with a "star nut" for a carbon steerer tube, ie one of the expanding ones.  That adapter looks like it would be for using a 1 1/8th steerer tube instead of a tapered steerer tube but I am not 100% sure.