Full build here.... bit supprised at the total... still way cheaper than most off the shelf bikes with the same spec. Especially with carbon wheels.

2,458.42Euro In parts alone. Honestly feel a bit sick looking at that. <- I Blame the person who made me add it all up! ahaha
What's the most annoying is a guy on ebay has the NS TR low model going for 3500GBP and I though I would be building mine for much less. The 268 VAT on the frame at customs was the killer here. My total including the frame was 3,612.74 Euro (23% VAT).
You can get the race version for 3.5k Euro from Wiggle or CRC https://www.wiggle.com/ns-bikes-synonym-race-2-suspension-bike-2020 - its a large reduction though 
Do I understand you right, you payed the same amount for your build than an equal NS Syn build costs? That would be strange
Well yes and no. At Wiggle/CRC for us Europeans:
The NS Bikes Synonym 2 is 3.5k (List Price €4,754.39 Save 26%), but I have better spec IMO and there is no large is stock.
The NS Bikes Synonym 1 is 4.6k (List Price €6,112.79 Save 24%) and would be more similar to my spec, no carbon wheels but does have carbon bars and cranks - you win some you loose some compared to my build.
NS Bikes Synonym Race 2 is 3.5k (List Price €4,641.19 Save 25%) and is the race version, they have L in stock but I didn't want 100mm Travel. You will not have a good time (IMO) in Ireland on the rocks with 100mm if you're trying to keep up with 130mm-140mm bikes.
These discounts were not on 1 month ago when I ordered. Plus alot of people never had their stuff seized by customs so i'm pretty unlucky.