I ordered a BXT new 29 Full Suspension MTB Bicycle Carbon frame 29er/27.5er plus boost suspension frame 148*12 mountain bike frameset from Aliexpress
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32896730902.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.42cc4c4d2jB9KF after a month of waiting it arrived and upon inspection I fornd a crack on the rear triangle near the brake mounts.

I contacted BXT and their reply ... "its just paint dear".
Then I saw a post of the exact same frame with damage on the exact same location but that one was cracked after several light rides.
I requested a replacement of the rear triangle where the damage was seen, yet all I got was... "its just paint dear".
Needless to say I was so irritated that I file a dispute. To date, it seems Aliexpress is a Seller's site and not good for customers. I can return the Damaged frame but I had to pay the shipping back. I already spent on taxes ($100) and while I am aware that it is my reponsibility, getting a damaged frame is not what I paid for.
But I do not mind the tax money anymore it is irritating that I had to shoulder return fare ($100). As if they haven't done enough damage yet. Customer protection by Aliexpress at its finest!
And to top it all, I can only have my money once the seller recieves their product and confirms then I have to wait another 20 days for Aliexpress to process my refund. All because BXT sent a damaged frame.