Author Topic: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)  (Read 16715 times)


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2019, 04:17:57 PM »
Hey thanks for the kind words! I have at least three more bike reviews and a number of full-blown component reviews coming this spring and summer so stay tuned.

It's unfortunate that while brands can afford to sponsor athletes and product reviews, factories can only hope to get the word out through their customers due to their low profit margins. Even in return for excellent publicity they can't offer much because their profit margins are so low. I've adopted a buy-low sell-high model for doing these reviews, it's not lucrative and it's time consuming, but it's fun. A great hobby!


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2019, 05:18:45 PM »
If you wonder how the M7007 is as an xc race bike. Jofre Cullell Estape just finished second at the Vallnord World Cup race in U23. Sure the bike he rode is a Megamo Track, but I am convinced it is a rebranded M7007 frame. I don't have reliable information regarding this, but the frames are identical (geometry, and physical structure). I was told that the M7007 is OEM'ed in Europe. Also, this frame cannot be sold in certain European countries indicating some sort of agreement between a reseller and Pro-mance.

I am now a fan that is rooting for Jofre. After all we ride on the same frame (albeit I suffer from high heart rate and low power, he is the converse).

Photo from Vallnord and on top step of podium HC race at Haiming.


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2019, 04:09:05 AM »
Have you ever had a close look at Gerhard Kerschbaumer's bike?  Looks just like a hongfu 258, which, except for the toptube-seat tube junction, is the same as Hong Fu 058 (the pro-mance 7007 twin, if not the same manufacturer).


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2019, 05:45:38 PM »
I took a look at some photos and geo between the torpado matador and the hongfu fm 258. They do look to be the same. Thanks for the info.


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2019, 02:53:07 AM »
Is there any way to get a lock-out cable for the rear shock to work on this frame? I have not seen any images of that. I have the exact same shock as the picture above and this is the only thing that holding me back right now.


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2019, 12:27:48 PM »
Yes, Kerschbaumer's bike is a Hongfu 258 with some paint.

After some research, I pretty much built up a top-end version of his bike after seeing some pics of the Torpado Matador. Think it's 9.4kg.

And, yes, you can indeed mount the shock upside down like on his bike. It took me a while to realise that mind you! 

Did half a season on it in Irish xc national races and got on pretty well. First time racing a full suss in years of racing.

Still needs some tweaks though, the saddle feels WAY far back when pedaling due to the strange seat tube angle. Thoughts on this???  Also, I changed the stem to a 80mm with a normal angle. The other yoke in the pic was tricky to control with the downward angle.

Excuse the crappy quality pics  :D

« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 12:37:40 PM by rpfelle »


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2019, 02:54:09 PM »
...Still needs some tweaks though, the saddle feels WAY far back when pedaling due to the strange seat tube angle. Thoughts on this???  Also, I changed the stem to a 80mm with a normal angle...
Having the saddle more forward will require some ingenious tweaking :D
Have you some ideas already ? can indeed mount the shock upside down like on his bike. It took me a while to realise that mind you!...
Why mount the shock upside down ?
Isn't it better the other way, to let gravity take the dirt down and out ?


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2020, 10:31:05 AM »
Hello guys. The m7007II frame is exactly the same as the Megamo Track that races in the World cup series. I have the track 07 the budget version of the track used by the athletes of Megamo Factory team. Very capable and fast bike on any terrain. As it is my first F/S bike i found it difficult to set the fork and shock in the right pressures. But when its done its no problem, set and forget. About the geometry its fine and quite similar with the spark. But I have to put a longer 100mm stem over 90mm tha I use now and maybe a seatpost with a little backsweep. I am 1,82cm and  I ride medium size 17,5.


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2020, 01:49:26 PM »
Very nice, but let me ask you why are you riding a medium frame being 182cm tall? No wonder you are using a 100mm stem  ???


Re: Pro-mance M7007 II Build (9000 g/19.84 lb)
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2020, 04:56:39 PM »
Nice question in fact I'm 1,79-1,80. So I chose medium because Megamo suggests this size of frame from 1,65 to 1,80. And I tend to ride not so big frames and also many suggest to go one size down for racing. In road for example  I ride 56. But I do road only as training. I've already put a 100 mm stem but with no significant drop (its -6°) and i feel fine. I dont have  test the behaviour with the longer stem on the steep trails yet, because of the corona.