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Custom Headtube badges

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By no means copying a major - I meant having yours look like a major that somebody walks up and says, "I have never heard of them.  Where can I get one of those?"

Mentioned this in the other thread that mentioned head badges, but I can't endorse Jen (of Revolution Cycle Jewelry) highly enough. She's freaking brilliant, and has been doing some stuff lately that is just amazing, using multiple metals and stuff like that. I am fairly certain that if you can dream it, Jen can make it. We've also had her do several jewelry pieces for my wife that have all come out amazing.

Some of her recent head badges:

Something a bit more personal - I took a photo of my wife's bike, converted it to a silhouette, and gave that to Jen, who then cut it out and put it on a pendant:

Jen's a true artist, an awesome person, and a serious rider to boot!

Is Jen's prices similar to the custom head badges at the top of this topic?


--- Quote from: brmeyer135 on November 07, 2014, 12:33:45 PM ---Is Jen's prices similar to the custom head badges at the top of this topic?

--- End quote ---

Jen _is_ headbadges.com. Sorry if I didn't make that clearer. Headbadges.com/Revolution Cycle Jewelry/Jen Green Custom Jewelry  is a one-lady show run out of a small shop on Jeweler's Row in Philadelphia. She's super awesome and incredibly talented.


Are you near Jen?  Do you have an IP-057 by any chance??  Looking to see if she can copy the curvature on the headtube.

Your badges look amazing!


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