Author Topic: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!  (Read 194863 times)


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #945 on: December 02, 2021, 05:24:17 AM »
JJJ let us know if you are moving ahead with bolt creation after your initial testing. I would happily buy in.

I mean, if that works well, shouldn't Haideli buy them and distribute them to all the purchasers so far?


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #946 on: December 02, 2021, 05:28:41 AM »
I mean, if that works well, shouldn't Haideli buy them and distribute them to all the purchasers so far?

I've suggested it to Eddy ;)


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #947 on: December 02, 2021, 06:47:06 AM »
I mean, if that works well, shouldn't Haideli buy them and distribute them to all the purchasers so far?

Wishful thinking, and the time it will take for him to facilitate that, god knows. I will gladly accept the parts when they come, but for 30 bucks I will also happily pay to get this bike finished. This is by far the longest most frustrating build I have ever experienced. I am happy to be a BETA customer, but also expect the support for working out issues you could find on the factory floor i.e no real world testing needed.

Right now I am waiting on a thru axle and nut to complete my bike. Emailed Eddy 3 weeks ago about the defective axle that came with my bike and stripped out the nut. Still has yet to be shipped.


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #948 on: December 02, 2021, 07:06:37 AM »
Back again with some comments on the upper link bearing mount.

On the left, the actual mount, to scale. On the right, the nearest correct way to do it - an elastic retainer ring holding the bearing in its recess.

This is a suggested (IMHO good) correction for the existing frames, to scale, using a standard pair of 6703 bearings that fit in the recesses for the bolt heads. Needs a new pair of bolts as drawn - I have a mechanic workshop in the neighborhood, and will check if they can do this and for how much. Probably cheaper if I can order a certain number of pairs. A minor issue is the tolerance of the carbon width (approx. 3mm) between the two bearings, and whether the inner race of the new bearing will rub against the carbon. I've ordered a pair of 6703s to experiment with.

Excellent work.  The people over at may be able to make these and not be insane one off prices.  I asked them about Turbo Levo bolts late last year and they made them pretty quick.  I know, much bigger market but they have the equipment to produce them in titanium alloy - save some grams :)


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #949 on: December 02, 2021, 07:10:28 AM »
Excellent work.  The people over at may be able to make these and not be insane one off prices.  I asked them about Turbo Levo bolts late last year and they made them pretty quick.  I know, much bigger market but they have the equipment to produce them in titanium alloy - save some grams :)

The bolts are aluminum!


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #950 on: December 02, 2021, 07:19:50 AM »
I would avoid titanium for this application. It introduces a stronger metal into the mix and they may cause more issues than it solves inside the aluminum pivot. My two cents…stick with aluminum as it works just fine.


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #951 on: December 02, 2021, 08:36:36 AM »
I would avoid titanium for this application. It introduces a stronger metal into the mix and they may cause more issues than it solves inside the aluminum pivot. My two cents…stick with aluminum as it works just fine.

Avoid, meh.  Mix titanium and aluminum alloy parts all the time in industrial, aerospace, and in my personal bike stuff just out of necessity - like having problems with sheering shock bolts.  Especially with this application where the bolt would be longer and loaded but the connection to the upper link would be static thanks to the bearing arrangement.  But I agree, aluminum would work just fine.  Better bolts just makes titanium bolts for bikes with a fast turnaround, but anybody that can turn or cnc what JJJ figures out in AL would be great.


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #952 on: December 02, 2021, 10:43:19 AM »
Avoid, meh.  Mix titanium and aluminum alloy parts all the time in industrial, aerospace, and in my personal bike stuff just out of necessity - like having problems with sheering shock bolts.  Especially with this application where the bolt would be longer and loaded but the connection to the upper link would be static thanks to the bearing arrangement.  But I agree, aluminum would work just fine.  Better bolts just makes titanium bolts for bikes with a fast turnaround, but anybody that can turn or cnc what JJJ figures out in AL would be great.

Agreed I think we would all take a working solution however we can get at this point.


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #953 on: December 02, 2021, 12:04:53 PM »
Count me in for any purchase that's potentially a solution.


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #954 on: December 02, 2021, 05:59:50 PM »
hopefully you guys can help figure out a solution.  I'm a IT guy, and have nothing to do with machining or engineering so I'm no help, sorry.  If you guys or Haideli can't find a solution, I'd have to send my frame back.  Don't really want to deal with a perpetual problem.  Was already disappointed I didn't see earlier that their small is actually a medium.  Hopefully it works for my 5'4" shorty height.  Thanks guys.


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #955 on: December 02, 2021, 07:02:25 PM »
I generally like this solution but am wondering if it will work if there is not an exact fit. If the space between the bearings (carbon of the rear triangle) is not exactly 3mm won’t it create significant problems in either direction?   Can we really count on this measurement to be consistent frame to frame? 


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #956 on: December 02, 2021, 10:14:28 PM »
Back again with some comments on the upper link bearing mount.

On the left, the actual mount, to scale. On the right, the nearest correct way to do it - an elastic retainer ring holding the bearing in its recess.

This is a suggested (IMHO good) correction for the existing frames, to scale, using a standard pair of 6703 bearings that fit in the recesses for the bolt heads. Needs a new pair of bolts as drawn - I have a mechanic workshop in the neighborhood, and will check if they can do this and for how much. Probably cheaper if I can order a certain number of pairs. A minor issue is the tolerance of the carbon width (approx. 3mm) between the two bearings, and whether the inner race of the new bearing will rub against the carbon. I've ordered a pair of 6703s to experiment with.

The top one with the elastic retainer ring doesn't make sense to me. It looks like the linkage and the carbon are different shapes on the solution on the right from the original on the left


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #957 on: December 02, 2021, 11:42:21 PM »
It is different. I think he was saying that this should work well and not require a huge change for Haideli (and the 4 or 5 others???). I don't know how these molds work so could the pockets for the bearing and bolt head be made with an insert that's placed in the mold and maybe not require a new mold?

The third picture is the actual proposed fix using what we have except with another bearing and a new screw.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2021, 11:44:23 PM by FlaMtnBkr »


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #958 on: December 03, 2021, 12:14:43 AM »
I really think Haideli should be doing something and trying to figure out some sort of solution to all of us that trusted in them to deliver a bike without a problem that will happen eventually. The fact we haven't heard anything, not even a 'sorry, we are looking at this and will figure something out,' doesn't seem very promising.

For those that have it, what are you planning on doing? Ride it as is? Figure out a solution? Wait for Haideli? Try to get your money back somehow? Something else? Just curious what others are thinking.

I'm really not feeling very hopeful about it! Even if the linkage issue is figured out, I still have to figure out the poor shifting problem that it looks like I'm the only one that's currently experiencing.

Guess I need to email Eddy since it doesn't appear he will be addressing the group. And if he doesn't then we should probably all start emailing him. We need to let it be known that we aren't happy and want a solution and if we speak up and all let him know, I would hope they take it more seriously or work on communicating if they are already doing so.


Re: The Shiny New AM831 Group Buy (A) Thread!
« Reply #959 on: December 03, 2021, 01:16:56 AM »
Dear All:

First of all, sorry to hear that the problem some customer meet, we are positive to solve it.
Recently we got some email from the groupbuy A order.

Now the new mold have been revised, so the problem not exist for the new orders. so do not worried.
For the flexing of the down triangel, we also got some suggestion from the rider, our engineer also try their best to solve the problem, and hope to find the best way solve it.
And sorry for the late replying, since the Black Friday, we are a little busy, but i will carefully checking all the information and the email we got.
It would be need some time to find the best solution, then back to you guys.
If anyone got the idea, feel free to contact me via email,

Many thanks.

Facebook: Tideacebike