Author Topic: Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals  (Read 1945 times)


Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals
« on: July 16, 2021, 07:19:42 PM »
~$88USD for a set of pedals, cleats, adapters, and cleat covers.
True to weight, at 154g for the pedals (77g each)
With all the extra hardware (including covers), total weight came in at 319g (sorry for the underexposed pic)

Pedals do not spin easily about the spindle, as though the bearing are over-packed.
I'll clean and regrease them and see if it makes a difference.

A lot of people report problems clipping in. I haven't even mounted them yet, so I can't comment.

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Re: Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2021, 08:11:00 PM »
Shoot a pic of them on your bike if you can. Was interested in getting them but i dont know how aesthetically pleasing they are. Maybe if i spray paint them?


Re: Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2021, 10:08:40 PM »
Shoot a pic of them on your bike if you can. Was interested in getting them but i dont know how aesthetically pleasing they are. Maybe if i spray paint them?

I'll slap them on the crank and take a pic.  Unfortunately I do not have the frame to slap the cranks on. 
My build is all red and black, so it ought to work for me.

They sell them in black as well.
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Re: Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2021, 08:47:35 PM »
Shoot a pic of them on your bike if you can. Was interested in getting them but i dont know how aesthetically pleasing they are. Maybe if i spray paint them?
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Re: Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2021, 09:06:48 PM »
Nice pass quest ring.

Knowing the QC of these companies, they may have incorrectly preloaded the bearings. If you are really unlucky its to the point that the bearings are damaged. But if its just a bit tight and you are looking for a free-spinning pedal, try to loosen up the preload nut, assuming it has one.


Re: Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2021, 03:43:24 PM »
Nice pass quest ring.

Knowing the QC of these companies, they may have incorrectly preloaded the bearings. If you are really unlucky its to the point that the bearings are damaged. But if its just a bit tight and you are looking for a free-spinning pedal, try to loosen up the preload nut, assuming it has one.

Thanks, I believe it is serviceable.   I'll have to check it out.

Thanks on the PassQuest.  Me today: "1x12 provides all the ratios I need. Who needs 2X"
Me 3 months from now: "Slightly used 1X chainring for sale"
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Re: Chinaplay/Speedplay Titanium Pedals
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2021, 12:35:51 PM »
So,  tested these out over the last couple days.  Here are my first impressions.

1) As the rumors indicate, these are quite difficult to clip into IN THE BEGINNING 
I put a thin layer of fluid film on the cleats, and clipped in an out of them a couple dozen times while stationary, and that lapped them enough to clip in without too much effort

2) Unclipping.  Depending on how you unclip, you may need to create some new muscle memory.  I have always used SPD pedals.  I just find them superior for commuting, and not worse than SPD-SL pedals.   I toe-in to unclip.  While toeing-in will unclip the Chinaplay pedals, you may find the cleat still loosely hooked onto the pedal.  Not ideal for emergency stopping. 
Solution: toe-out gets you out of the cleats quickly.  This may be fine for some, but it is something I will need to get used to.

3) Cleat cover.  This is great, as you can still clip in without having to remove the cover.   It have a big flat contact patch, making walking easy, if a bit clunky.
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