Hi Okay, diffrens in BB height with FOX 38 is 349.4 mm @180mm and 346.2 mm * (-3.2 mm)@170mm but as a mullet bb hight is really low. From the geochart it says 588 ATC and fox 38 @170mm is 583.7 so its not that big of a diffrens.
Did you run 170mm back also? i got a fox x2 that is easy to change travel from 65 to 62.5mm and i have a DVO onyx at hand that is easy to change travel from 170-180mm so i think i will try before getting the right air spring for the 38.
But thanks for your input, i will use it as my Enduro racebike

im around 170lbs on a good day.
Thinking of getting a OneUp 180mm dropper also.
Yea i think i will like it, been testing my friends parkduro Spindrift and its so fun!