Author Topic: Innova-Pro Road tires?  (Read 896 times)


Innova-Pro Road tires?
« on: August 17, 2021, 09:01:14 AM »
So, while everyone on this forum uses Chinese parts to varying degrees (from accessories to full builds), the one thing that seems universal across the board - at least for road bikes - is that no one appears to use Chinese tires.

I noticed the INNOVA-PRO FACEMILE tires the other day, and wonder if anyone has had experience.

Better than average - Extra Average


Re: Innova-Pro Road tires?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2021, 11:44:03 AM »

Theres also some videos

Id imagine both the puncture tread and rolling resistance will be sub par because the name brands put a ton of research behind their products, this company deals with more automotive stuff so im actually curious on this as well.