Author Topic: Shifter and brake cables and housing  (Read 1862 times)


Shifter and brake cables and housing
« on: September 01, 2021, 02:45:05 AM »
Hello, I'm waiting for my velobuild 168 frame, I've already bought sensah empire 2x11 and zrace brakes, can anyone suggest me which housing and cables choose for them? Thanks


Re: Shifter and brake cables and housing
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2021, 12:04:00 PM »
Hello, I'm waiting for my velobuild 168 frame, I've already bought sensah empire 2x11 and zrace brakes, can anyone suggest me which housing and cables choose for them? Thanks

TRLREQ Teflon coated shifter and brake cables

Jagwire KEB-SL compressionless brake housing (for cable actuated hydraulic brakes, you want compressionless). There is the Yokozuna Reaction housing as well, but good luck fitting that and shifter housing through the handlebars.

There are a lot of shifter housing options, but I am using Shimano OT-SP41

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Re: Shifter and brake cables and housing
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2021, 08:15:55 AM »
TRLREQ Teflon coated shifter and brake cables

Jagwire KEB-SL compressionless brake housing (for cable actuated hydraulic brakes, you want compressionless). There is the Yokozuna Reaction housing as well, but good luck fitting that and shifter housing through the handlebars.

There are a lot of shifter housing options, but I am using Shimano OT-SP41
Hello thank for your reply.
Are compersionless housings really necessary? What's the difference?


Re: Shifter and brake cables and housing
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2021, 05:00:40 PM »
Hello thank for your reply.
Are compersionless housings really necessary? What's the difference?

For cable actuated hydraulic brakes, compressionless housing brings braking action much closer to full hydraulic, while standard housing will make braking spongier.  Or so it is often said.

I can't give a personal account, as I built my 168 with a compressionless setup from the get-go, and my previous bikes were full hydro or old school v-brake
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 10:56:15 PM by 1Sigma »
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Re: Shifter and brake cables and housing
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2021, 03:53:05 AM »
For cable actuated hydraulic brakes, compressionless housing brings braking action much closer to full hydraulic, while standard housing will make braking spongier.  Or so it is often said.

I can't give a personal account, as I built my 168 with a compressionless setup from the get-go, and my previous bikes were full hydro or old school v-brake
thanks, ill go for compressionless. which brake did you choose for your build? im waiting for a 168 frame as well.
have you been able to track your dpd shipping when you ordered the frame?
cause when i track my parcel the only information is "
DPD data centre, Order information has been transmitted to DPD.", i was just wondering if thats the only info you got by dbd or if i have to wait more to see progres


Re: Shifter and brake cables and housing
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2021, 10:03:26 PM »
thanks, ill go for compressionless. which brake did you choose for your build? im waiting for a 168 frame as well.
have you been able to track your dpd shipping when you ordered the frame?
cause when i track my parcel the only information is "
DPD data centre, Order information has been transmitted to DPD.", i was just wondering if thats the only info you got by dbd or if i have to wait more to see progres

I went with the Juin Tech GT-F brakes. Probably overkill, but I like the confidence in heavy commuter traffic.

Yea, mine was shipped by EMS, and the EMS tracker was useless.
This site was able to accurately track the shipment ->
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Re: Shifter and brake cables and housing
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2021, 01:29:02 AM »
I went with the Juin Tech GT-F brakes. Probably overkill, but I like the confidence in heavy commuter traffic.

Yea, mine was shipped by EMS, and the EMS tracker was useless.
This site was able to accurately track the shipment ->
I got zrace and I basically live on Alps, finger crossed


Re: Shifter and brake cables and housing
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2021, 09:49:20 PM »
I got zrace and I basically live on Alps, finger crossed
Trace Velo seems to like them, but then Cornwall isn't exactly the Alps.

Let us know how it goes!
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