Author Topic: Plz help wheel newb! How to pick? What to pick? Want carbon mtb 29er wheels!  (Read 1367 times)


Hey guys,

Looking to order a set of cabon mtb wheels to match up with the AM831 frame that I just ordered.

I see there are sellers that sell similar to this:

Some questions:

1.) Are these wheels already setup with the spokes and all? or do I need to assemble spokes? Looking forward to simply add rotors/cassette/tires and attach to bike. 

2.) Please help me figure out which hub to get.  I want a decent and good bang for the buck hub that is still lightweight.  Will be pairing it with this cassette -
  - All I know is I need a boost hub for the AM831.

3.) Any reputable sellers that you guys prefer? The seller mentioned initially above seems iffy with their reviews.



1. If you are ordering wheels, and not just rims, they should be delivered assembled and ready to go.

2. My go to hub choice is the DT Swiss 350 with straight pull spokes and center lock disc mounts. They are pretty bomb proof, not too expensive, not too heavy. To use that cassette you just need to make sure you select an XD driver freehub.

3. Some of the wheel brands have done a better job of offering modern storefronts and shopping experiences. I have multiple sets from FarSports that have all been great. Others like LightBicycle, but their pricing has gradually increased to match their Western style of branding and marketing. There are also people who go with the random Ali wheels and seem to be fine with them.

I would also suggest an inner width of at least 30mm, ideal for wider tires and even becoming common in the XC range.


+1 on all of the above. Personally, I would never buy from an AliExpress seller with a rating under 95%, and at least in business for a while. If something feels off, stay away! There are lots of good stores for wheels. I’ve just bought my second set of rims from speedsafe, for example. Elite Wheels seems good too.


Thank you adriaanm and zilcho.  I'm guessing I should be getting AM (all mountain) specific wheels instead of XC since I plan to do some minor jumps and techy trails.  Another question for you guys.

What's the big difference between this item (A):

and this item (B) for the 36x30mm symmetry:

Obviously (B) is $260 more expensive but it's also 500g's lighter.  It's also 30mm high vs 17mm high (A).  Thoughts on what I should get? What would you do?


All mountain is inline with the type of riding that the AM831 is meant for.

(A) is an aluminum rim. They are generally not built to be deep due to the different properties of aluminum vs carbon, but mostly down to weight (1980g for A vs 1320g for B). I have not looked at aluminum wheels in a while but $586 sounds high, although I just looked at FarSports and their prices have gone up a bit too.

Personally, I would go for carbon wheels. You've already invested in a nice frame, why weigh it down with heavy wheels? Plus I tend to ride each bike for a few years and the price difference isn't much when averaged across the number of rides/hours during that time.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2021, 09:02:35 PM by zilcho »


Thank you Zilcho, I didn't look close enough to realize that (A) was aluminium.  I will go for (B) as I def wanted carbon to begin with.  Thanks!

I think I'm 95% there.  Will def go with (B) link.  Can you guys help me confirm:

* Would the 40mm (wide) x30mm (height) be better than the 36mm X 30mm? Not a ton of difference but just want to make sure I didn't do one vs another that was being obsolete.  The rear tires will be 2.3" wide and fronts will be 2.5" wide.  I'm thinking the 40mm wide but just want to confirm.

* I'm going to do a center-lock cus it looks like there are adaptors to use the 6 bolt with the centerlock setup but you can't go the opposite.  Let me know if I am OK here or should really go 6 bolt and screw center lock.

I will go XD and Boost.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2021, 09:34:29 PM by deucelee »


I think the 36x30 should be good, it has 30mm internal. I'm running 2.6 front and 2.4 rear with 30mm internal and neither is stretched wide or lightbulb shaped so you should be good with 2.5 and 2.3. I think 35mm+ internal is getting into Enduro territory.

I chose centerlock for the versatility, you can run any rotor and don't really compromise weight with an adapter vs 6 bolt hub.

For sure XD and Boost spacing.


I think the 36x30 should be good, it has 30mm internal. I'm running 2.6 front and 2.4 rear with 30mm internal and neither is stretched wide or lightbulb shaped so you should be good with 2.5 and 2.3. I think 35mm+ internal is getting into Enduro territory.

I chose centerlock for the versatility, you can run any rotor and don't really compromise weight with an adapter vs 6 bolt hub.

For sure XD and Boost spacing.

Awesome! appreciate all the help!