Happy Holidays!
The new BR-05 was jointly developed between Onirii and IIIPRO (also sold as the ZRACE BR-005). Do not buy the ones in your link, they are some kind of older iteration that won't work as well. Neither brand are related to Juin btw, you have the Zoom HB105 which is a copy of the Juin F1 but is definitely not the real thing.
So, we all know Yokuzuna and Juin Tech are the same caliper, just re-branded.What about the IIIPRO?https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003502235198.html?spm=a2g0o.search0307.0.0.61e52c29rDjck8&algo_pvid=d1dd6d93-e294-4acd-96a0-477dc84cec36&algo_exp_id=d1dd6d93-e294-4acd-96a0-477dc84cec36-14 Is it the same manufactured caliper as the Juin Tech F1 and re-branded, or is it just similar?