Author Topic: Fat bike  (Read 5631 times)


Fat bike
« on: May 16, 2022, 04:43:37 AM »
I apologize in advance if this question is irrelevant. I am a newbie...
Over the last few months, I've become increasingly interested in this form of bicycle.
There are a couple of questions I would like to ask if possible.

1. Is concerning frame size. At the moment I'm riding a 17" rigid mtb which I find very comfortable. So my question is would a 17" fat bike be comparable to a 17" Mtb. I know that many of you will say that I will need to try one. But if the frame sizes compare it will give me a starting point.

2. What would you expect to pay for an entry-level machine. I have a budget of £600 at the moment. I would also prefer an aluminum frame.

I did ask a question on fat bike frame sizing in the Mtb section but have had no response so far.
If these are questions that members of this forum cannot answer, perhaps you would know a forum that may be able to help.
Many thanks in advance.


Re: Fat bike
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2022, 12:37:55 PM »
Sizing is pretty comparable between fat bikes and other bikes. One thing you’ll want to look at closely if you’re planning to ride in snow (eventually) is standover height; stepping off a fat bike onto snow demands extra standover if you want to avoid some painful dismounts!

Keep in mind depending on your plans for use, bikes with 170/177 rear axles often have tire clearance limited to about 4.6 (more like 4.0 for some cheaper models). If maximum snow floatation is important you probably want a 197 rear axle and those tend to be a little more expensive.