Author Topic: Spider mounted power meter advice  (Read 11347 times)

Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2023, 08:09:37 PM »
Sigeyi is the best Chinese power meter brand but don't get the Zrace/Sigeyi crankset, the arms have a design flaw where they rub against the spider eventually wearing through and allowing moisture to seep in. Xcadey power meters are unreliable but their crankset is imo the best constructed. The first batch of the new Magene QED crankset had FD clearance issues and needed to be recalled while their old crankset was a bit flexy.

I wanted to pair the Xcadey arms with a Sigeyi spider at first but the arms have this proprietary 5-bolt pattern (SRAM 3-bolt but with 2 extra bolts), not worth the risk trying to install it anyways so I just dropped the idea.

I am looking at the Sigeyi power meter for a new build that I'll be doing in the spring. It seems they have what I want - 24mm axle, SRAM 3 bolt connection, 130BCD for running a 1x ring. And it sounds like GPLama had a good experience with them, so that's good too. I do like the looks of the Magene, but I don't want one where I can't choose my own cranks and chainring, so that's out.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2023, 08:07:45 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm looking at upgrading my SRAM Red 22 carbon crankset with a spider based PM. It's the old three bolt pattern interface. As far as I can see, all three - Sigeyi, XCadey and Magene - are offering a PM for this crankset. Also, they're virtually identical electronically, right? So am I right in thinking I can just pick either one depending on price and customer service? Or is one more reliable than the other?


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2023, 06:27:37 PM »
Hi everyone,

I'm looking at upgrading my SRAM Red 22 carbon crankset with a spider based PM. It's the old three bolt pattern interface. As far as I can see, all three - Sigeyi, XCadey and Magene - are offering a PM for this crankset. Also, they're virtually identical electronically, right? So am I right in thinking I can just pick either one depending on price and customer service? Or is one more reliable than the other?

Where did you read they were kind of identical?
Sigeyi has a better reputation, but their price skyrocketed.
Almost in par with good deals you can get sometimes on Quarq or if you go with a Rotor crankset.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2023, 01:40:54 AM »
Where did you read they were kind of identical?
Sigeyi has a better reputation, but their price skyrocketed.
Almost in par with good deals you can get sometimes on Quarq or if you go with a Rotor crankset.

Well at least the first generations of the Sigeyi and the Xcadey had identical housings. I haven’t had a close look in a while but I see that now they have kind of deviated from each other a bit as far as the look goes. Safe to say that the principle is more or less the same with each of them. 4 strain gauges and a PCB. The charger interface is also the same, albeit in a slightly different position. All I’m saying is that any difference in performance between these is likely down to manufacturing quality and QC. Anyway, the price difference is +/- 10% at least where I’m located. So I’ll check out the latest reviews to make a decision, I guess.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2023, 01:51:35 AM »
I ordered the Sigeyi 3 bolt 4*104 from Velowear. They sent me the wrong one at first (someone switched the powermeter because it was the boost version in a non-boost box). So I sent it back. Now it seems the Non-boost version is no longer manufactured... So I accepted their offer of sending the Boost version with the non-boost adapter.
It is on its way to me now...

From what I could find the Sigeyi powermeter is the better one of the chinese power meters.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #35 on: March 08, 2023, 10:07:09 AM »
I have had a Sigeyi Axo PM for last 3yrs, they are very good. It just works, the phone app is a bit crap though.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2023, 12:47:05 PM »
I’d go for Sigeyi but they informed me that the one spider version I need has been discontinued. I need a SRAM 3 bolt spider with 110 BCD and hidden bolt. That one has been discontinued. I might give the Magene P505 a try. I like that it gives the option to use 4 bolt and 5 bolt chainrings. I wonder if that affects accuracy though. There seem to be mixed reviews on these. Shane Miller tested the crank based version very well in Dec 22.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #37 on: March 10, 2023, 08:57:23 AM »
Is it this one included in the set?
Got myself the set but only used the powermeter...  ;-)
But this is for BCD110 with five bolts.

BR Chris
« Last Edit: March 10, 2023, 09:00:12 AM by ChrisB »


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #38 on: March 11, 2023, 11:55:40 PM »
No. This is the non-hidden-bolt version. On my Sram crank, the fifth chainring bolt screws directly into the back of the crank arm. Sigeyi informed me that they will probably offer their cheaper AXOcc some time this year for my crank. That could be an interesting option. I wonder though if that plastic battery cover will sit tight enough to a) not fall off during gravel riding and b) stop water ingress.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2023, 07:57:42 AM »
I see, there are just too many variations, so one needs to be very careful to order the correct part...

I wonder if this Magene P505 spider power meter may be another option:

Even cheaper here when getting with Zrace crankset  :o

Anybody has some experience with the P505?
I personally stay away from Magene PM with integrated battery since I had an issue with the battery failing within one year of use...
But that could have been just bad luck.

BR Chris


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2023, 02:36:34 PM »
You can use the standard 5 bolt SRAM power meter, you don't have to use the hidden bolt on the crank arm. This is what I did with my Rival GXP crank and Power2Max NGeco power meter. It uses the same 3 bolt spindle interface but moves the fifth bolt 180 degrees/opposite of the crank arm.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2023, 06:22:00 PM by zilcho »


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2023, 07:08:41 PM »

Even cheaper here when getting with Zrace crankset  :o

That's the P325 crankarm mounted power meter, not the P505 spider meter.

I just picked up a Magene QED P325 crankset, even though it's almost double the price. Personally I much prefer its construction to the Z-RACE.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #42 on: March 14, 2023, 03:01:02 AM »
Interested to hear your experience with the QED P325...

Sorry my bad, had the wrong link... however including RX crankset it is maybe 25 US$ more expensive.

BR Chris


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2023, 11:59:32 AM »
I pulled the trigger on the Magene P505 for my Sram 3 bolt crank. I got a very good price and another small discount from Magene. I got a set of Favero Assioma pedals that I can compare the device with. I’ll let you know how it performs.
Shane Millers favourable review is what convinced me in the end.


Re: Spider mounted power meter advice
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2023, 12:29:03 PM »
Received my Magene P505 the other day. Seems like a quality device. Well packaged. Well manufactured and good quality from the looks of it. Mounting was easy. I put it on my gravel bike with 1x Campagnolo Ekar.
First ride done. Power readings seem a tad on the high side. I’ll have to double check this with my Favero Assiomas. The app has a power scaling feature. So I can adjust if necessary.