this is kind of the "warehouse ready" items from Aliexpress, stores/vendors send their items there and then it's ready to ship fast
also selling prices well below their own stores because it seems to potentialize the sales volume, it must be some negotiation with Aliexpress that to be on that store they need to lower the price at least X%
it has pretty much all categories of items, and the products that appear for each people is different (cookies and all), that's why the other users cannot find it
it's easier to start from Aliexpress home screen and enter the 'Choice', 'SuperDeals' or the 'First come 50% off'. It's normally mostly from this 'Manufacturer direct store' or something, but usually good deals there
This seller has a lot of cycling items for much cheaper than the official stores. I already bought a darevie jersey there for $15 ($23 on official darevie store) and was very happy with it, no catch as far as I could tell
They have things like TPU tubes, Ipro rotors, TOWILD lamps, etc. Also darevie bibs for $16 (official store 32ish?) but the pictures show a grey bib instead of purple. Not sure if they are old collections or something