Seems my Magene L508 radar light was on a slow boat from China... it arrived only two weeks ago.
So far really happy with the light. I am using it in combination with a Garmin 830.
Some observations:
- Sometimes the warning for cars clears to early... before the car passes
- Setup/Activation in the Magene App was not the most straightforward experience, but worked in the end
- Using it in pure Radar mode will last me up to 6 hours in a rural area with medium traffic
- The mount for the seat post works, but easily slips and changes direction, hence ordered some new mounts from Alix
I got these mounts for the seat post: well except that the light is 90 degree off...
Good that the inner adapter is fixed with two screws so it can be removed. However to fix it in the correct direction, I had to make use of good old epoxy adhesive. So far so good, now we will see how stable this is in the long run.

BR Chris