Author Topic: Sunshine 12 speed cassette, difference in cog spacing  (Read 1424 times)


Sunshine 12 speed cassette, difference in cog spacing
« on: July 04, 2023, 07:30:09 AM »
I ordered a Sunshine 12s 11-28 lightweight cassette, the kind with a ALU-monoblock for the 4-largest cogs and steel sprockets for the rest. (

I had hit an miss experiences before with 11s versions of this type of cassette so before mounting it i took out my feeler gauge and started to measure the cogspacing the monoblock is spaced at 1.75mm whereas the steel sprockets is spaced at 1.85mm.

Do any one know the nominal cogspacing and tolerance for a shimano 12s cassette? My google skills fails me :)

Not sure what to do with the cassette. Complain/raise issu with ali, just mount and try to adjust or lapping down the cog-spacers with 0.1mm.


Re: Sunshine 12 speed cassette, difference in cog spacing
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2023, 08:24:26 AM »
I ordered a Sunshine 12s 11-28 lightweight cassette, the kind with a ALU-monoblock for the 4-largest cogs and steel sprockets for the rest. (

I had hit an miss experiences before with 11s versions of this type of cassette so before mounting it i took out my feeler gauge and started to measure the cogspacing the monoblock is spaced at 1.75mm whereas the steel sprockets is spaced at 1.85mm.

Do any one know the nominal cogspacing and tolerance for a shimano 12s cassette? My google skills fails me :)

Not sure what to do with the cassette. Complain/raise issu with ali, just mount and try to adjust or lapping down the cog-spacers with 0.1mm.

Maybe install and see what happens?  8)


Re: Sunshine 12 speed cassette, difference in cog spacing
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2023, 10:26:39 AM »
I find the key to running the 11 speed version of that cassette is to use a 12 speed chain on the 11 speed cassette. With the 12 speed cassette you're on even tighter tolerances.


Re: Sunshine 12 speed cassette, difference in cog spacing
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2023, 02:35:07 AM »
I find the key to running the 11 speed version of that cassette is to use a 12 speed chain on the 11 speed cassette. With the 12 speed cassette you're on even tighter tolerances.

I started to stare at the cassette and a 11s version, visually the base of the cogs on the alu block looks wider than the steel ones , this may explain the difference in spacing, tricky to measure with the tools i have available.

I guess i'll have to try it on a wheel to find out if it shifts OK :)



Re: Sunshine 12 speed cassette, difference in cog spacing
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2023, 12:25:48 PM »
I started to stare at the cassette and a 11s version, visually the base of the cogs on the alu block looks wider than the steel ones , this may explain the difference in spacing, tricky to measure with the tools i have available.

I guess i'll have to try it on a wheel to find out if it shifts OK :)

I went back to Shimano full steel cassettes. Those alloy/steel hybrid cassettes wear too quickly especially if you do quite a bit of climbing. I'd only use one if living in a flat area or if you need to cut weight for racing and don't mind if the cassette wears.