Took me a bit longer to make this post. Overall experience has been really good. The fit of everything was spot on. Full build came in at 15.2 lbs without pedals (size 52). For being that light, I am also surprised at how stiff it feels in accelerations. My order was handled well and had great communication. I really like the color but it is more purple than I expected, but it looks great. You can see in the sunlight it has the orangish chameleon, but the purple is the dominant color. Paint selection was LCB-02HS. Current setup is gp5000 28mm, but have a second wheelset with 32mm gp5000. One bummer is the width of handlebar options. I went with the 40 x 110 handlebar and I have been running narrower bars and would have selected narrower, if available.
I will quickly address some of the items on this thread:
My frame has a drain hole under the BB
I will say that the layup feels pretty thin below the bottle cage on the downtube. It is a larger tube size, but the wall thickness feels thin.
Brake caliper mounts are faced
Rear thru axle does require more torque than other frames (but doesn't appear to be any thread damage, so I don't know, not really an issue to me, but a previous poster described this).
I had to cut the seat tube to get my fit right, but just 1/2" or so.
I also ran into an issue with the seatpost clamp. After riding I needed to adjust, and upon retorque the clamp to 6nm something with the pins that hold the bolt broke. I have contacted LC and will update with how quickly they respond. I am pretty sure their clamp is a tried and true design across other frames, so I am not quite sure. I want to tear it apart to see whats going on but it is kind of a captive part.