I don't know what happens psychologically but a lot of people feel shamed in voicing their complaint.
Interesting perspective, i hadn't thought of that. we literally learn "esprit critique" in school, so our tests virtually never are multiple choice questions, but much more mental masturbation to lay down on 8 pages of blank paper. We're supposed to critique, think, postulate and stuff. I see in this mindset a parallel with engineering, where you ask yourself is the process good, is the material right, what can fail, why, how often, how to minimize failure and at what cost, where's the break even point beyond which you're losing more money trying to avoid a problem than letting some problems happen and only then remedy them, and so on.
I do know that women often dont feel comfortable speaking up because boys are socialized to be a lot less civilised than girls, and much more conflict happy, but i didnt think about the fact that men could also feel uncomfortable telling some to eat a (metaphorical) dick.
People (and therefore factories) respond to incentives. If there's no backlash from doing crap, the logical thing to do is crap, unless you happen to find a factory / workers who take intrinsic pride in their work. We have this in France for example, you'll still find craftsmen who are proud of what they make. They're never the richest dudes, but they are the best dudes. But they're a dying breed, it's an aethos (see what i did there?) that's dying as the culture rots.
Who said we couldn't talk philosophy on a bike forum?