Author Topic: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool  (Read 5805 times)



Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2023, 01:32:02 AM »
I got one more or less like that, but from a more local online shop. These things are expensive on Ali.
It does the job.


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2023, 06:40:57 AM »
I'm partial to the old stem method.
As long as you don't buy the ZTTO pipe cutter for carbon like I did


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2023, 08:41:58 AM »
I just used a worm gear hose clamp and a hack saw to get it cut straight.. go slow no problem.. and about 50 cents


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2023, 09:47:25 AM »
I'm doing a new upcoming build and I will inevitably need to cut my fork, any recommendations on cheap tools to get the job done?

I'm looking at this one from ZTTO, has anyone used it, and if so - is it any good?

I just use a cheap hacksaw with fresh blade, an old stem and a few spare washers to cut carbon forks. I then use fine grit sandpaper to even out the cut. Make sure to do it outdoors and wear a mask.


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2023, 11:22:11 AM »
I went with some masking tape and a sawzall freehand. Not sure I'd recommend but go slow and measure 3 times.

Do some test cuts with the bit of the steerer tube you wont use to see how it feels if you want to build some confidence.

Wet Noodle

Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2023, 04:39:59 PM »
Don't tell anyone. I use a pipe cutter to mark* a straight cut line and then freehand away with a medium to fine(ish) metal blade.

*Wheel just barely touching, no crunchy noises ...


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2023, 12:43:57 AM »
$6 Harbor Freight mini hacksaw is my main tool for this purpose. A hose clamp or piece of tape for a guide. I even used a pipe cutter once and it actually worked pretty alright, kinda slow if anything.
Instagram: @aerosloth


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2023, 11:24:43 AM »
$6 Harbor Freight mini hacksaw is my main tool for this purpose. A hose clamp or piece of tape for a guide. I even used a pipe cutter once and it actually worked pretty alright, kinda slow if anything.

+1 on the garden hose clamp + cheap hacksaw. I've cut 5 steerers like that, 4 carbon, 1 alu. I changed the blade once, probably should have changed it more often. The local DYI store sells blades for very cheap.
Spray water to avoid breathing in the carbon dust. You'll be shocked to see how black the water gets. You definitely don't want to breathe that.
Don't use a pipe cutter on a carbon steerer, you may crush and delaminate the carbon.
Fast on the flat. And nowhere else.


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2023, 11:56:53 AM »
An honest LBS usually charges $10 USD for a simple fork cut. If they're a proper bike mechanic they should have a proper Parks Tool fork steerer cutter that will create a straight cut.


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2023, 03:12:22 PM »
I purchased a park SG-8 fork tube cutter about 30 years ago.  Probably one of the best bike building tools I purchased.  OF course, I paid maybe $25 for one and now they are close to $60


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2024, 06:54:10 PM »
+1 on the garden hose clamp + cheap hacksaw. I've cut 5 steerers like that, 4 carbon, 1 alu. I changed the blade once, probably should have changed it more often. The local DYI store sells blades for very cheap.
Spray water to avoid breathing in the carbon dust. You'll be shocked to see how black the water gets. You definitely don't want to breathe that.
Don't use a pipe cutter on a carbon steerer, you may crush and delaminate the carbon.
I went this exact same route. Does the job. No specialty tools needed. 


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2024, 07:53:26 PM »
I used a tungsten scribe that was like $1 to mark above my stem, and then one of the $15 bikehand brand steerer cut guide things with a hacksaw.

Did the spare stem thing once and wasn't happy with it.


Re: Recommendations needed on carbon fork cutting tool
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2024, 05:56:07 AM »
I bought the TOSEEK branden version:
Used without any problems combined with a cheap hacksaw and fine tooth blade.

I've also used a pipe cutter before. Going slow and steady and just halfway thru. Then using a hacksaw to finish the job.