Build was not bad at all. It went smoothly. The routing for integrated handlebar is a bit fiddly but doable.
Too early to provide riding impressions, I am new to carbon road bikes and have very little experience to compare against. The bike felt stiff and responsive in the first few rides, still working on the fit before going on a long ride. obviously, the 1x provides fewer gear options and therefore gets a little getting used vs. 2x or 3x. I may eventually go to a 2x setup as electronic shifting is becoming more affordable. Braking is adequate, I have some cane creek ee brakes that I may install at some point.
This is a much more aggressive riding position compared to the Sequoia touring triple I have been riding for a long time. Hubs are a bit loud but overall wheels seem well built. I do not race or do any big events so this is more than enough bike for my needs once the fit is dialed.