Lots of reviews I've read on the magene are older (8+ months every time) and they always end up saying it's not quite as good as the garmin radars. A few false negatives, several false positives, clearing up the alert way too soon etc.
This is also valid for all the other "clones" as well, from Bryton etc.
Anybody still have that experience with the latest firmwares? I had a friend tell me the magene is amazing a year ago but he never actually had a garmin one, in a group ride we had both and it was clear the garmin one was a lot more accurate. I really love having a radar but I hate having to buy a micro-usb one like the garmin if that's the only one that's working decently, so was wondering if the firmwares made them better now or if it's really a hardware issue for most of them.
I tested Magene, Bryton, Garmin, and iGPSport radars, and Garmin is still the most accurate (with the fewest false positives). None of these radars ever gave me a false negative.
Regarding L508, I tried it again a few weeks ago, and it feels the same as it did a year ago. It still gives more false negatives than Varia.
Basically all Chinese alternatives give about the same number of false positives - more than Varia. On the other hand, they offer USB-C, light customizability (Magene), better mount (Bryton), or battery life (iGPSport). If you want to dig deeper, feel free to check out my radar comparison article (
https://www.cyclistshub.com/best-cycling-radars/), where I evaluate multiple features of cycling radars.
This guy says the firmware is a lot better now
I agree it is a shame how many youtubers review products after one week, point out software issues and then never update us later once said issues have been addressed. And don't count on chinese manufacturers to give us a detailed changelog either
One of these "YouTubers" here (I don't like calling myself that way

). I understand your point, but we are in a pretty difficult position. If you don't release a review within a few days after the product launch, you are basically irrelevant, and nobody cares. Spending another 5-15 hours making a second video, which will most likely have a much lower reach, is not viable. If I update the firmware of the reviewed product and find a change in behavior, I try to update my written reviews or write a comment under my video reviews. But yeah, cycling is much more niche than technology like smartphones, where you get hundreds of thousands of views (if you are good), and each video pays for itself multiple times.
What are people’s experiences with the Magene app for adjusting settings on the radar light? I’m on iOS and the reviews for the app in the store are absolutely terrible, almost all one-star. But a lot of those are from people using it for other Magene products.
I haven’t even bothered to download it yet but wanted to try playing around with some settings like brightness, and wondered if anyone had tips for using it in English because a lot of the bad reviews are for the fact that a significant amount of the interface is untranslated.
My experience with it are mixed. Sometimes, I had to restart it multiple times because it was not able to find the device. If it did, then everything was pretty ok. But it's not as reliable as Garmin or Wahoo apps, for example.