Surprised no mention, it just mysteriously showed up on the XMIPlay site one day with the 010 and 018 fatties: pretty good. Available in either 190mm QR or 197mm TA (not that that should be a hard decision, I'd think) and with a front fork with the new 150mm hub width used by the RockShox Bluto. The only thing is the chart doesn't show the axle-to-crown of the FK-019 fork. The other two fatties have fork lengths of 470 and 485mm - which is shorter than the shortest Bluto, with 491mm at 80mm of travel. I'd really rather see it be around the 511mm of the Bluto at 100mm. So, I'm curious if the N019 has a longer rigid fork - and since the fork is listed as 770g vs. 550g for the other two frames, I'd think it might just be - but questions to Peter we either not understood or just ignored.

I've got a fatbike on order that is coming with the Bluto, so this frame looks particularly interesting as I could potentially swap out the frame for a nice upgrade from the stock aluminum frame. Of course, wheels would be upgraded first, but then going with the frame might result in a pretty nice drop in weight. We'll see, I plan on doing a tear-down and weigh-in for all the parts before I build it up to ride.
Looks like my plans for an 057 might be indefinitely postponed.