Chinese Carbon Road Bikes > Cyclocross Frames, Wheels & Components

Integrated Cockpit from Aliexpress

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I'm planning on building a new gravel bike and am searching for a nice integrated dropbar in 38cm width.

Has anyone got experience with this Syncros Gravelbar? Is it legit?

Otherwise I was looking at this handlebar from Spcycle.

When I switched to riding gravel bikes 5+ years ago, I came to appreciate drop bars with the drops flared outwards.  Flared bars are so much more comfortable on the drops.  One learns to appreciate being able to drop down onto the flared bars and maintain better steering control on rough gravel descents, versus road bars, due to the wider grip and wrist angles.


--- Quote from: Lasebase on May 29, 2024, 04:45:24 AM ---I'm planning on building a new gravel bike and am searching for a nice integrated dropbar in 38cm width.

Has anyone got experience with this Syncros Gravelbar? Is it legit?

Otherwise I was looking at this handlebar from Spcycle.

--- End quote ---

I think either will be fine. I do like the SPCycle bar though. I've had all sorts of AliEx carbon bars and all of them have held up to robust riding.

Thank you two for your answers.
I also like the Spcycle one, but it's out of stock atm.

I'm really liking this one so far:


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