Author Topic: Chinese Roadbike Shop Shanghai  (Read 5410 times)


Chinese Roadbike Shop Shanghai
« on: July 30, 2024, 02:31:35 AM »
Im at Shanghai at the Moment and looking for a nice bikestore and a Store to Rent roadbikes, so you have Suggestions?


Re: Chinese Roadbike Shop Shanghai
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2024, 01:13:59 AM »
The Shanghai Triathlon Club is partnered with WeCycle, which has two stores in Shanghai. I rented a bike from them for one of STC's races. 6k RMB deposit and 600 RMB for the weekend, if I remember correctly. But there's easily 20+ nice bike shops in Shanghai. You can search Apple Maps in English (without a VPN, I think, as opposed to Google Maps) for Giant and Trek and often see photos of the stores. Not to snub Bianchi, which has a small but high-end shop in the city, and Merida, and probably a couple others...Sorry to give you the "ask your phone" answer, but I've lived in a couple different places across Shanghai and outskirts. There are a good handful of flagship stores across the city, and there are also small local stores with great service. You might as well start with where you are in the city. (I'm out of the city right now, otherwise I'd offer to meet in person.) I hope that helps!


Re: Chinese Roadbike Shop Shanghai
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2024, 11:24:28 PM »
try our ridenow cycling club, owner is the founder of no.6 wheels, they do have a couple of road bikes for rental.