Author Topic: Travel 120mm Carbon Hardtail Frame  (Read 5060 times)


Re: Travel 120mm Carbon Hardtail Frame
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2025, 12:48:07 AM »
I'd go a bit more conservative:
- fork 120 or 110 mm, in a 67,5 - 68 degrees HTA, respectively;
- fast as f...k, shortest chainstay possible; as light as possible;
- nothing wider than 2.4 tires - max 2.5 (but that's just to clear some mud, 2.35 are perfect for me);
- double RD hanger: either UDH or traditional;
- should take at least oval 36T, even oval 38T chainrings;
- internal routing;
- speed machine, for sprinting and cross-country eliminator (XCE) racing :) :) :)
- capable on downcountry, but nothing to compete full-sus bikes.
- a platform for tweaking and experimenting (so, as versatile as possible to newer or older tech).


Re: Travel 120mm Carbon Hardtail Frame
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2025, 01:32:07 PM »
Another underserved market that could be interesting is the light trail hardtail market (120-130mm travel). A lot of the big bike brands have gone all in on full suspension downcountry bikes, so there are very few of these carbon bikes that actually have a “modern” geometry (e.g. hta~66.5, sta >75).

Off the top of my head, I can only think of two carbon light trail hardtails:

Yeti Arc
Ibis DV9

The caveat to this is that these bikes need to have wider tires (29x2.6) which compromises the max size of the chainring.

The Cannondale Scalpel HT too.


Re: Travel 120mm Carbon Hardtail Frame
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2025, 09:05:36 PM »
One other thing to consider and double check.  Be sure that the new generation of Chinese electronic derailleurs work with UDH.  I have had some problems on one of my frames with UDH installing a Wheeltop OX rear derailleur, setting up the "B" screw and highest/first gear alignment.


Re: Travel 120mm Carbon Hardtail Frame
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2025, 05:48:13 PM »
emailed spcycle wondering if they were going to make the more aggressive trail frame and they replied saying "Hi Friend, We did some market research and decided not to release a 120mm travel hardtail frame. In 2025, we will develop a 100mm travel hardtail frame with a 67° head tube angle. thank you"