I meant November 11th instead of Black Friday.
I wrote to the seller a few months ago and asked if Icould get the wheelset in matt black without branding. That's probably possible, even though I had the feeling that the seller didn't understand any of my other questions. Unfortunately, a salesperson who doesn't understand anything is not the best basis.
A UCI certificate is listed in the item description, but it probably doesn't belong to the wheelset because the number of spokes doesn't match at all.
https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S9f6f782393b5498ba277fadd13ed7afeJ.jpgIn my opinion, the wheels are good in terms of values, provided the information is correct:
carbon spokes,
28mm wide with 21mm inner width,
T1000 Carbon, reinforced nipple pads,
Ceramic bearing, T52 ratchet,
Low weight,
Some time ago I also read a few reports about the Yuanan Wheels (identical to Elite Wheels Drive) and as far as I could remember, the ones with carbon spokes were significantly higher than this price even direkt from Yuanan.