Author Topic: Best trail bike frames with 120-135mm travel  (Read 1674 times)

Best trail bike frames with 120-135mm travel
« on: January 01, 2025, 03:51:20 PM »
G'day all. First post in the forum and looking forward to jumping further down the Chinese frame rabbit hole
Anyway, I'm looking to build a shorter travel trail bike, ideally with 130-135r/140-150f travel. I've found a couple frames but really want to see all that's on offer. I've been looking at;
- lightcarbon lcfs958 (only concerns are I've heard quality control sometimes isn't great and the seatpost insertion on my size is only 200mm)
- carbonda CFM-1001 (not sure if there's any difference between this and the FM1001 I've seen mentioned on the forum)
- Ican p13 which appears to be identical to the CFM1001
- tantan fm198 (seems to be more of an XC frame in all honesty but the frame I did want isn't available anymore)

Are there any frames I'm missing or anything about these frames I've looked at that I should be aware of (good or bad)

Thanks in advance. I look forward to reading the responses


Re: Best trail bike frames with 120-135mm travel
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2025, 08:03:24 PM »
I’d say C/FM1001 by a wide margin. It’s a straightforward 4 bar but so nicely in sync with the average aftermarket shock tune and very well built. Flybike/Carbonda does excellent work and actually honor their warranty.

Yes, the CFM-1001 is the same thing. The “C” stands for Carbonda.


Re: Best trail bike frames with 120-135mm travel
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2025, 10:10:56 AM »
+1 on the endorsement of the 1001. I built one for my wife last March and she is very happy with it. Just watch out, the reach numbers are a bit on the shorter side for a given size, so maybe size up if unsure. My wife rides a size M and is 170cm. Feels right at home on it.


Re: Best trail bike frames with 120-135mm travel
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2025, 04:54:41 AM »
Ican P9 has my vote, 150/150 feels great for long trail days and it climbs very well when compared to my xc bike. The gnarly downhills are handled easily and I had to up my game as this thing wants to go at each section. Its been very forgiving whilst learning to jump and saved my azz in a few otb moments. I've kitted my bike with Fox and SLX equipment which is great. Also 9 yrs on ppl still comment on the frame every time I pull up, probably due to the curvy lines and sorted geometry.


Re: Best trail bike frames with 120-135mm travel
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2025, 09:30:38 AM »
"Ican P9 has my vote" . . . I have a P9 that I built a few years back. I liked it much better after using a SlackR head angle slackener. A total game changer for that bike.