Author Topic: Magene C606 Bike Computer  (Read 680 times)


Magene C606 Bike Computer
« on: January 24, 2025, 04:01:41 AM »
Magene dropped a new firmware update today introducing Climbpro and a new dashboard.
This device was already decent but not i'm really considering it.

Any user experiences here?

"You can't be sad while riding a bicycle."


Re: Magene C606 Bike Computer
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2025, 04:26:59 AM »
I have a rant punctuated with slurs somewhere out there. Granted half of it was towards seller (tradeinn) but the C606 was/is still a piece of shit
The TLDR is that it's extremely frustrating because the hardware is basically perfect, it's fast and responsive, screen is the best I've used by lightyears, but the software isn't there at all. Very limited customization, awful map layer that you can't swap, and the android app is so buggy and bad it warrants the capital punishment for the devs imo.
I'm using the IGS630 as a daily driver but I still haven't sold my C606. I sometimes check if they update the firmware, which has pretty much never happened in 6 months. I used the C606 just last week for a 2 hour ride and it's in still in the same state.
My firmware version is v1.214, I don't know when the update introducing climbpro will drop to the public but I will try it once it drops
It can absolutely become an everything-else killer, but until they purge the dev team PLEASE avoid it.


Re: Magene C606 Bike Computer
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2025, 02:29:35 PM »
I have been using mine for about 3 months and absolutely love it. I picked it up for about US$112 during 11.11 and it's a steal.

I find a lot of the negative reviews relate to the navigation capability which is definitely not on par with a Garmin so if that is important then stay away from this.