Author Topic: Power meter options for GRX820 2x  (Read 139 times)


Power meter options for GRX820 2x
« on: March 02, 2025, 09:34:50 PM »
Considering adding a power meter to my Giant Revolt with GRX 820 2x road set up - assuming that's possible?

I'm open to consider various options - so please suggest away.

Though any pedal version would need to be single sided and on the LHS, as I always ride unclipped & a flat pedal on RHS due to an old knee injury.

Currently a Wahoo user and happy there. On training rides I use a Polar hrm strap.


Re: Power meter options for GRX820 2x
« Reply #1 on: Today at 05:29:30 AM »
Your position must be wrong if you can't ride clipless on the right side but can sustain effort hard enough to justify power meter. Seat probably too high or wrong length cranks.