Ok. My first impulse would be to get a large flat washer that is close to the ID of the frame's bb area-put it on a threaded rod with a nut on either side and use that as a tool -just tap on the other end of the rod with a hammer. The pipe idea is ok as well, as would be a square piece of wood. Honestly if its not bonded, you could even try a large screwdriver alternating taps left and right side very cautiously until it moves. If its bonded with Loctite you'll need something that maybe catches the sleeve part in several areas, the washer method is most likely to do that. If its a little small, don't try to center it, use it bottom, tap, then top, tap. It'll likely engage enough of the lip to move it without an issue.
Edit-looking at the installation manual it appears there is a fairly nice size step between the threaded sleeve and the cup, so finding a washer that mostly or totally engages the sleeve but fits in the frame shouldn't be hard.