All road, but only 32C? No t47? That sounds dated.
Expensive, but no weight info ?
The T800/T1000 without weight could be 99.9pc t800 and a stamp size piece of t1000.
The fork looks very non aerodynamic.
I agree that all road is actually a bit tricky with this tyre width, whatever all road actually means, because it is what? Sth in the middle of road and gravel?
This looks like a solid endurance frame. No fancy design, no quirks etc.
Bottom bracket is neither good nor bad. As long as it's round all over, it's all the same - though I also have a preference for t47. But thst doesn't make a frame good nor bad.
As regards carbon t800 t1000 or whatever, again, a well designed and constructed frame is better than any hype around that. This is not a frame for the tour de France. It's a frame for normal people.
If it wasn't for the price, I'd have sold already 10 of these this year.