Author Topic: How long does it take for your frame to be shipped from China to the US?  (Read 288 times)


I bought a gravel bike directly from the manufacturer (should've ordered from their AliExpress store to take advantage of the big sale but I was dumb a month ago in this whole chinese bike part scene) and the tracking number showed that the plane arrived at the US 7 days ago and no more updates.  I guess it's at the customs. Anyone knows how long this process would take?  Would they charge me any import taxes?   My frame is < $800 so it should be tax-free.


The last frame I ordered took exactly 30 days to get to my door. It took 7 days once it was in the US. Every package is different, so your mileage may differ. The de minimis exemption is still in effect, so as long as the value of your package is under $800 you should be in the clear - HOWEVER - these are strange times and the current administation is anything but predictable.


Always to long...


Mine took like 4-5 weeks, took a long time for any updates from the chinese shipping, then all of a sudden it was in the us, then no updates for a while, then it was delivered. this was in Oct/Nov last year


Update to my order (I just received it an hour ago), hope it can serve as a reference to people. Klindsey00 summed it up pretty well actually.

(The days are including weekends and weekdays)
Day 0:   Placed the order. factory started the build and custom painting
Day 17: Shipped out of the factory
Day 18: Shipped out of China by plane
Day 19: Plane landed in Los Angeles, California, starting the customs process
Day 29: Finished the customs process
Day 31: Arrived at my doorstep in California

All in all, it took 17 days for the building and custom painting and 10 days for the US customs. The actual time spent on shipping is only a few days.  So all in all it's about a month.


2 weeks to 1 month for all my framesets. Though the big fear now is if and when de minimis will be implemented. If it happens during mid shipment, you'll be slapped with a fat tariff (who am I kidding, it's a tax)!