I bought this frame last spring and its obviously made in China. Its a size small(around 15.5") for 26" wheels and my wife is riding on it with great joy. I bought it via eBay and it was crazy cheap around 250$ brand new and sold via Holland so no tax either. Do anyone know this frame and have any more info about it ?
Well, first things first - you bought it via eBay - have any information from the sale still, like the original auction? Often there will be a number in the frame that is consistent across resellers, such as "057".
I thought the name was "LWA" but a little googling lead me to "LVWA", and I managed to find this - looks like the same frame:
http://uedata.amazon.com/LVWA-Carbon-Mountain-16-5in-FM-0021L/dp/B00HVSZSZQWe can see the number in the description: FM-0021L
I don't see anything else that matches, though. Looks like LVWA is still pretty active out there, that might help you.